In this session, we’ll look at Python’s += operator. Let us see how it works with a few simple examples.
The addition assignment operator is denoted by the operator ‘+=’. It is like a short form to it. It adds two values and stores the result in a variable (left operand).
Addition of Two numbers Using += Operator:
gvn_num = 100 print("The given number = ", gvn_num) gvn_num += 50 print("The given number after addition with 50 = ", gvn_num)
The given number = 100 The given number after addition with 50 = 150
a = 10 b = 20 c = 30 rslt_sum = 0 # Adding a,b,c and storing it in a variable rslt_sum # The below indicates rslt_sum = rslt_sum+(a+b+c) rslt_sum += a+b+c print("The sum of a,b,c = ", rslt_sum)
The sum of a,b,c = 60
For Strings
The ‘+=’ operator concatenates the given strings. It is used for the concatenation of two or more strings.
gvn_fststr = "hello" gvn_scndstr = "btechgeeks" print("The given first string = ", gvn_fststr) print("The given second string = ", gvn_scndstr) print() # It concatenates the given first string with the second string and assigns the # result to the first string gvn_fststr += gvn_scndstr print("The given first string after concatenation = ", gvn_fststr)
The given first string = hello The given second string = btechgeeks The given first string after concatenation = hellobtechgeeks
gvn_fststr = "hello" gvn_scndstr = " this is " gvn_thrdstr = "btechgeeks" concat_str = "" # concatenating the given three strings using '+=' Operator concat_str += (gvn_fststr+gvn_scndstr+gvn_thrdstr) print("The concatenation of given three strings = ", concat_str)
The concatenation of given three strings = hello this is btechgeeks
The “+=” operator’s Associativity in Python
The ‘+=’ operator’s associativity property is from right to left.
a = 3 b = 6 a += b >> 2 print("a =", a) print("b =", b)
a = 4 b = 6
We set the starting values of two variables, a and b, to 3 and 6, respectively. In the code, we right shift the value of b by two bits, add the result to variable ‘a’, and put the final result in variable ‘a’.
Therefore the final output is :
a=4 and b=6
a = 3 b = 6 # Left shift by 1 bit a += b << 1 print("a =", a) print("b =", b)
a = 15 b = 6
This is about the Python ‘+=’ operator and its numerous implementations.