In the previous article, we have discussed Python Program for isfinite() Function
Given a number and the task is to calculate the cube root of a given number in Python.
Cube root:
A cube root is a number that, when cubed, yields a given number. A number’s cube root is a value that, when multiplied by itself three times, yields the original value.
‘3√’ represents the cube root symbol. In the case of square root, we simply used the root symbol, such as ‘√’, which is also known as a radical.
For example :
The cube root of 27 is 3. (3*3*3=27)
Cube root of a Negative Number:
We cannot find the cube root of negative numbers using the method described above. The cube root of integer -27, for example, should be -3, but Python returns 1.5000000000000004+2.598076211353316j.
To calculate the cube root of a negative number in Python, first, use the abs() function, and then use the simple math equation.
Given Number = 125
The cube root of the given number { 125 } = 4.999999999999999
Given Number = -27
The cube root of the given number { -27 } = -3.0
Program for How To Find Cube Root in Python
Below are the ways to calculate the cube root of a given number in python:
Method #1: Using Power Operator (Static Input)
- Give the number as static input and store it in a variable.
- Check if the given is less than 0 or not using the if conditional statement.
- If it is true, then get the absolute value of the given number using the abs() function and store it in another variable.
- Calculate the value of a given number raised to the power (1/3) and multiplied with -1 to get the cube root of the given number.
- Store it in another variable say rslt_cuberoott.
- Else, calculate the value of a given number raised to the power (1/3) to get the cube root of the given number.
- Store it in the same variable say rslt_cuberoott.
- Print the cube root of the given number
- The Exit of Program.
Below is the implementation:
# Give the number as static input and store it in a variable. gvn_numb = 125 # Check if the given is less than 0 or not using the if conditional statement. if gvn_numb < 0: # If it is true, then get the absolute value of the given number using the # abs() function and store it in the another variable. abs_numbr = abs(gvn_numb) # Calculate the value of the given number raised to the power (1/3) and # multiplied with -1 to get the cube root of the given number. # Store it in another variable say rslt_cuberoott. rslt_cuberoott = abs_numbr**(1/3)*(-1) else: # Else, calculate the value of a given number raised to the power (1/3) to # get the cube root of the given number. # Store it in the same variable say rslt_cuberoott. rslt_cuberoott = gvn_numb**(1/3) # Print the cube root of the given number print("The cube root of the given number {", gvn_numb, "} = ", rslt_cuberoott)
The cube root of the given number { 125 } = 4.999999999999999
Method #2: Using Power Operator (User Input)
- Give the number as user input using the int(input()) function and store it in a variable.
- Check if the given is less than 0 or not using the if conditional statement.
- If it is true, then get the absolute value of the given number using the abs() function and store it in another variable.
- Calculate the value of a given number raised to the power (1/3) and multiplied with -1 to get the cube root of the given number.
- Store it in another variable say rslt_cuberoott.
- Else, calculate the value of a given number raised to the power (1/3) to get the cube root of the given number.
- Store it in the same variable say rslt_cuberoott.
- Print the cube root of the given number
- The Exit of Program.
Below is the implementation:
# Give the number as user input using the int(input()) function and # store it in a variable. gvn_numb = int(input("Enter some random number = ")) # Check if the given is less than 0 or not using the if conditional statement. if gvn_numb < 0: # If it is true, then get the absolute value of the given number using the # abs() function and store it in the another variable. abs_numbr = abs(gvn_numb) # Calculate the value of the given number raised to the power (1/3) and # multiplied with -1 to get the cube root of the given number. # Store it in another variable say rslt_cuberoott. rslt_cuberoott = abs_numbr**(1/3)*(-1) else: # Else, calculate the value of a given number raised to the power (1/3) to # get the cube root of the given number. # Store it in the same variable say rslt_cuberoott. rslt_cuberoott = gvn_numb**(1/3) # Print the cube root of the given number print("The cube root of the given number {", gvn_numb, "} = ", rslt_cuberoott)
Enter some random number = -27 The cube root of the given number { -27 } = -3.0
Read all the mathematical functions available in Python and understand how to implement them in your program by using the tutorial of Python Mathematical Methods Examples.