How to get & check data types of dataframes columns in python pandas ?
In this article we will discuss different ways to get the data type of single or multiple columns.
Use Dataframe.dtype to get data types of columns in Dataframe :
In python’s pandas module provides Dataframe class as a container for storing and manipulating two-dimensional data which provides an attribute to get the data type information of each column.
This Dataframe.dtype
returns a series mentioned with the data type of each column.
Let’s try with an example:
#Program : import pandas as pd import numpy as np #list of tuples game = [('riya',37,'delhi','cat','rose'), Â Â ('anjali',28,'agra','dog','lily'), Â Â ('tia',42,'jaipur','elephant','lotus'), Â Â ('kapil',51,'patna','cow','tulip'), Â Â ('raj',30,'banglore','lion','orchid')] #Create a dataframe object df = pd.DataFrame(game, columns=['Name','Age','Place','Animal','Flower'], index=['a','b','c','d','e']) print(df)
Output:    Name Age    Place   Animal Flower a   riya  37    delhi      cat   rose b anjali  28     agra      dog   lily c    tia  42   jaipur elephant  lotus d  kapil  51    patna      cow  tulip e    raj  30 banglore     lion orchid
This is the contents of the dataframe. Now let’s fetch the data types of each column in dataframe.
#Program : import pandas as pd import numpy as np #list of tuples game = [('riya',37,'delhi','cat','rose'), Â Â ('anjali',28,'agra','dog','lily'), Â Â ('tia',42,'jaipur','elephant','lotus'), Â Â ('kapil',51,'patna','cow','tulip'), Â Â ('raj',30,'banglore','lion','orchid')] #Create a dataframe object df = pd.DataFrame(game, columns=['Name','Age','Place','Animal','Flower'], index=['a','b','c','d','e']) DataType = df.dtypes print('Data type of each column:') print(DataType)
Output: Data type of each column: Name     object Age       int64 Place    object Animal   object Flower   object dtype: object
Get Data types of dataframe columns as dictionary :
#Program : import pandas as pd import numpy as np #list of tuples game = [('riya',37,'delhi','cat','rose'), Â Â ('anjali',28,'agra','dog','lily'), Â Â ('tia',42,'jaipur','elephant','lotus'), Â Â ('kapil',51,'patna','cow','tulip'), Â Â ('raj',30,'banglore','lion','orchid')] #Create a dataframe object df = pd.DataFrame(game, columns=['Name','Age','Place','Animal','Flower'], index=['a','b','c','d','e']) #get a dictionary containing the pairs of column names and data types object DataTypeDict = dict(df.dtypes) print('Data type of each column :') print(DataTypeDict)
Output: Data type of each column :{'Name': dtype('O'), 'Age': dtype('int64'), 'Place': dtype('O'), 'Animal': dtype('O'), 'Flower': dtype('O')}
Get the data type of a single column in dataframe :
By using Dataframe.dtype
s we can also get the data type of a single column from a series of objects.
#Program : import pandas as pd import numpy as np #list of tuples game = [('riya',37,'delhi','cat','rose'), Â Â ('anjali',28,'agra','dog','lily'), Â Â ('tia',42,'jaipur','elephant','lotus'), Â Â ('kapil',51,'patna','cow','tulip'), Â Â ('raj',30,'banglore','lion','orchid')] #Create a dataframe object df = pd.DataFrame(game, columns=['Name','Age','Place','Animal','Flower'], index=['a','b','c','d','e']) #get a dictionary containing the pairs of column names and data types object DataTypeObj = df.dtypes['Age'] print('Data type of each column Age : ') print(DataTypeObj)
Output : Data type of each column Age :int64
Get list of pandas dataframe column names based on data types :
Suppose, we want a list of column names based on datatypes. Let’s take an example program whose data type is object(string).
import pandas as pd import numpy as np #list of tuples game = [('riya',37,'delhi','cat','rose'), ('anjali',28,'agra','dog','lily'), ('tia',42,'jaipur','elephant','lotus'), ('kapil',51,'patna','cow','tulip'), ('raj',30,'banglore','lion','orchid')] #Create a dataframe object df = pd.DataFrame(game, columns=['Name','Age','Place','Animal','Flower'], index=['a','b','c','d','e']) # Get columns whose data type is object means string filteredColumns = df.dtypes[df.dtypes == np.object] # list of columns whose data type is object means string listOfColumnNames = list(filteredColumns.index) print(listOfColumnNames)
Output: ['Name', 'Place', 'Animal', 'Flower']
Get data types of a dataframe using :
function is used to get simple summary of a dataframe. By using this method we can get information about a dataframe including the index dtype and column dtype, non-null values and memory usage.
#program : import pandas as pd import numpy as np #list of tuples game = [('riya',37,'delhi','cat','rose'), ('anjali',28,'agra','dog','lily'), ('tia',42,'jaipur','elephant','lotus'), ('kapil',51,'patna','cow','tulip'), ('raj',30,'banglore','lion','orchid')] #Create a dataframe object df = pd.DataFrame(game, columns=['Name','Age','Place','Animal','Flower'], index=['a','b','c','d','e'])
Output: <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Index: 5 entries, a to e Data columns (total 5 columns): #  Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- a  Name   5 non-null     object b  Age    5 non-null     int64 c  Place  5 non-null     object d  Animal 5 non-null     object e  Flower 5 non-null     object dtypes: int64(1), object(4) memory usage: 240.0+ bytes