Python Data Persistence – Core – Inserting Records
Next, is how to insert a record in this table? For this purpose, use the insert ( ) construct on the table. It will produce a template INSERT query.
>>> ins=Products.insert() >>> str(ins) 'INSERT INTO "Products" ("ProductID", name, "Price") VALUES (:ProductID, :name, :Price)'
We need to put values in the placeholder parameters and submit the ins object to our database engine for execution.
ins.values(name="Laptop",Price=25000) con=engine.connect( ) con.execute(ins)
Selecting data from table is also straightforward. There is a select() function that constructs a new Select object.
>>> >>> str(s) 'SELECT "Products"."ProductID", "Products".name, "Products"."Price" \nFROM "Products"'
Provide this Select object to execute the () function. It now returns a result set from which one (fetch one) or all records (fetchall) can be fetched.
>>> result=con.execute(s) >>> for row in result: ... print (row)