Python Data Persistence – Creating Table
We shall now add a table in our newly created ‘mydb.sqlite’ database. In the following script, the first two steps are as illustrated above – setting up connection and cursor objects. Next, we call execute () method of cursor object, giving it a string with CREATE TABLE statement inside. We shall use the same ‘Products’ table that we created in the previous chapter. Save the following script as ‘’ and execute it.
import sqlite3 conn=sqlite3.connect('mydb.sqlite') cur=conn.cursor() qry=' ' ' CREATE TABLE Products ( ProductID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, Name TEXT (20) , Price INTEGER ) ; ' ' ' try: cur.execute(qry) print ('Table created successfully') except: print ('error in creating table') conn.close ( )
Products table will be created in our database. We can verify by listing out tables in this database in the SQLite console, as we did in the previous chapter.
sqlite> .open mydb.sqlite sqlite> .tables Products
Let us also create ‘Customers’ and ‘Invoices’ tables with the same structure as used in the previous chapter. Here, we use a convenience method to execute the script ( ) that is defined in the cursor class. With its help, it is possible to execute multiple execute statements at once.
import sqlite3 conn=sqlite3.connect('mydb.sqlite') cur=conn.cursor( ) qry= ' ' ' CREATE TABLE Customers ( CustID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, Name TEXT (20), GSTIN TEXT (15) ) ; CREATE TABLE Invoices ( InvID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, CustID TEXT REFERENCES Customers (CustID), ProductID INTEGER REFERENCES Products (ProductID), Quantity INTEGER (5) ) ; ' ' ' try: cur.executescript(qry) print ('Table created successfully') except: print ('error in creating table') conn.close( )
You can go back to the SQLite console and refresh the table list to confirm that all three tables are created in mydb.sqlite database.