Python dict() Function with Examples

dict() Function in Python:

The dict() function is used to create a dictionary.

A dictionary is an unordered, changeable, and indexed collection.


dict(keyword arguments)


keyword arguments: This is Required. You can use as many keyword arguments as you want, separated by a comma: key = value, key = value…

Return Value:

dict() does not return any results (returns None).




Given key-value pairs = (emp_name="sunny", emp_id=2122, jobrole="software developer")


The result dictionary is :
{'emp_name': 'sunny', 'emp_id': 2122, 'jobrole': 'software developer'}



Given key-value pairs = (one="hello", two="good", three="morning")


The result dictionary is :
{'one': 'hello', 'two': 'good', 'three': 'morning'}

dict() Function with Examples in Python

Method #1: Using Built-in Functions (Static Input)


  • Pass some random key-value pairs as the arguments to the dict() function and store it in a variable.
  • Print the above result.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the implementation:

# Pass some random key-value pairs as the arguments to the dict() function
# and store it in a variable.
rslt = dict(emp_name="sunny", emp_id=2122,  jobrole="software developer")
# Print the above result
print("The result dictionary is :")


The result dictionary is :
{'emp_name': 'sunny', 'emp_id': 2122, 'jobrole': 'software developer'}

Method #2: Using Built-in Functions (User Input)


  • Take a dictionary and initialize it with an empty dictionary using dict() or {}.
  • Give the number of keys as user input using int(input()) and store it in a variable.
  • Loop till the given number of keys using for loop.
  • Inside the for loop scan the key and value as user input using input(), split() functions, and store them in two separate variables.
  • Initialize the key with the value of the dictionary.
  • Print the above-given dictionary.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the implementation:

# Take a dictionary and initialize it with an empty dictionary using dict() or {}.
gvn_dict = dict()
# Give the number of keys as user input using int(input()) and store it in a variable.
numb_of_kys = int(
    input('Enter some random number of keys of the dictionary = '))
# Loop till the given number of keys using for loop.
for p in range(numb_of_kys):
        # Inside the for loop scan the key and value as
    # user input using input(),split() functions
    # and store them in two separate variables.
    keyy, valuee = input(
        'Enter key and value separated by spaces = ').split()
    # Initialize the key with the value of the dictionary.
    gvn_dict[keyy] = valuee
print("The result dictionary is :")


Enter some random number of keys of the dictionary = 3
Enter key and value separated by spaces = one hello
Enter key and value separated by spaces = two good
Enter key and value separated by spaces = three morning
The result dictionary is :
{'one': 'hello', 'two': 'good', 'three': 'morning'}