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Given a number, the task is to check whether the given number is a Neon Number or not in Python.
Neon Number:
A Neon Number is a number whose square sum of digits equals the original number.
Ex: 9
Square of 9 =81
Sum of digits of square = 8 +1 =9 ,So it is Neon Number
Given Number = 9
The Given Number [ 9 ] is a neon Number
Given Number =123
The Given Number [ 123 ] is not a neon Number
Program for Neon Number in Python
Below are the ways to check whether the given number is a Neon Number or Not.
Method #1: Using list() and sum() functions (Static Input)
- Give the number as static input and store it in a variable.
- Calculate the square of the given number using the ** operator or multiply the given number by itself and store it in a variable.
- Convert this squared number into a list of digits using list(),int(),map(),str() functions.
- Store this list in a variable.
- Calculate the sum of digits of this list using the sum() function.
- Check if this sum is equal to the given number or not using the If conditional statement.
- If it is true then the given number is a Neon Number.
- Else the given number is not a Neon Number.
- The Exit of the Program.
Below is the implementation:
#Give the number as static input and store it in a variable. givnumb=9 #Calculate the square of the given number using the ** operator #or multiply the given number by itself and store it in a variable. squarnumb=givnumb**2 #Convert this squared number into a list of digits #using list(),int(),map(),str() functions. #Store this list in a variable. numbedigit=list(map(int,str(givnumb))) #Calculate the sum of digits of this list using the sum() function. sumdigi=sum(numbedigit) #Check if this sum is equal to the given number #or not using the If conditional statement. #If it is true then the given number is a Neon Number. if(sumdigi==givnumb): print('The Given Number [',givnumb,'] is a neon Number') #Else the given number is not a Neon Number. else: print('The Given Number [',givnumb,'] is not a neon Number')
The Given Number [ 9 ] is a neon Number
Method #2: Using list() and sum() functions (User Input)
- Give the number as user input using the int(input()) function and store it in a variable.
- Calculate the square of the given number using the ** operator or multiply the given number by itself and store it in a variable.
- Convert this squared number into a list of digits using list(),int(),map(),str() functions.
- Store this list in a variable.
- Calculate the sum of digits of this list using the sum() function.
- Check if this sum is equal to the given number or not using the If conditional statement.
- If it is true then the given number is a Neon Number.
- Else the given number is not a Neon Number.
- The Exit of the Program.
Below is the implementation:
# Give the number as user input using int(input()) function and store it in a variable givnumb = int(input('Enter some random number =')) # Calculate the square of the given number using the ** operator # or multiply the given number by itself and store it in a variable. squarnumb = givnumb**2 # Convert this squared number into a list of digits # using list(),int(),map(),str() functions. # Store this list in a variable. numbedigit = list(map(int, str(givnumb))) # Calculate the sum of digits of this list using the sum() function. sumdigi = sum(numbedigit) # Check if this sum is equal to the given number # or not using the If conditional statement. # If it is true then the given number is a Neon Number. if(sumdigi == givnumb): print('The Given Number [', givnumb, '] is a neon Number') # Else the given number is not a Neon Number. else: print('The Given Number [', givnumb, '] is not a neon Number')
Enter some random number =123 The Given Number [ 123 ] is not a neon Number
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