Strings in Python:
String in Python. The string is an immutable sequence data type in Python. It is a string of Unicode letters surrounded by single, double, or triple quotations… This is the second string in the Multi-line format. If a string literal must embed double quotations as part of a string, it must be enclosed in single quotes.
Given the string, the task is to print even and odd index characters of the given string in Python.
The given string = BtechGeeks
The odd characters in given string = Behek The even characters in given string = tcGes
The given string = uploadbutton
The odd characters in given string = ulabto The even characters in given string = podutn
Python Program for Printing Odd and Even Letters of a String
Below are the ways to write a Python Program to print Odd and Even Letters of the given String.
- Using For loop and String Concatenation (Static Input)
- Using For loop and String Concatenation(User Input)
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Method #1: Using For Loop and String Concatenation (Static Input)
- Give the string as static input and store it in a variable.
- Take two empty strings(say oddChars and evenChars) and initialize them with a null string using “”.
- Calculate the length of the string using the len() function and store it in a variable.
- Loop till the length of the string using For loop.
- Check if the iterator value is divisible by 2 or not using the If statement.
- If it is true then concatenate the string iterator value to the oddChars string.
- Else concatenate the string iterator value to the evenChars string.
- Print the oddChars string.
- Print the evenChars string.
- The Exit of the Program.
Below is the implementation:
# Give the string as static input and store it in a variable. givenstring = 'BtechGeeks' # Take two empty strings(say oddChars and evenChars) # and initialize them with a null string using "". evenChars = "" oddChars = "" # Calculate the length of the string using the len() function and store it in a variable. strnglen = len(givenstring) # Loop till the length of the string using For loop. for itrvalue in range(strnglen): # Check if the iterator value is divisible by 2 or not using the If statement. # if itrvalue % 2 == 0: # If it is true then concatenate the string iterator value to the oddChars string oddChars = oddChars + givenstring[itrvalue] else: # Else concatenate the string iterator value to the evenChars string. evenChars = evenChars + givenstring[itrvalue] print('The given string = ', givenstring) # Print the oddChars string. print('The odd characters in given string = ', oddChars) # Print the evenChars string. print('The even characters in given string =', evenChars)
The given string = BtechGeeks The odd characters in given string = Behek The even characters in given string = tcGes
Method #2: Using For Loop and String Concatenation (User Input)
- Give the string as user input using the input() function and store it in a variable.
- Take two empty strings(say oddChars and evenChars) and initialize them with a null string using “”.
- Calculate the length of the string using the len() function and store it in a variable.
- Loop till the length of the string using For loop.
- Check if the iterator value is divisible by 2 or not using the If statement.
- If it is true then concatenate the string iterator value to the oddChars string.
- Else concatenate the string iterator value to the evenChars string.
- Print the oddChars string.
- Print the evenChars string.
- The Exit of the Program.
Below is the implementation:
# Give the string as user input using the input() function and store it in a variable. givenstring = input('Enter some random string = ') # Take two empty strings(say oddChars and evenChars) # and initialize them with a null string using "". evenChars = "" oddChars = "" # Calculate the length of the string using the len() function and store it in a variable. strnglen = len(givenstring) # Loop till the length of the string using For loop. for itrvalue in range(strnglen): # Check if the iterator value is divisible by 2 or not using the If statement. # if itrvalue % 2 == 0: # If it is true then concatenate the string iterator value to the oddChars string oddChars = oddChars + givenstring[itrvalue] else: # Else concatenate the string iterator value to the evenChars string. evenChars = evenChars + givenstring[itrvalue] print('The given string = ', givenstring) # Print the oddChars string. print('The odd characters in given string = ', oddChars) # Print the evenChars string. print('The even characters in given string =', evenChars)
Enter some random string = uploadbutton The given string = uploadbutton The odd characters in given string = ulabto The even characters in given string = podutn
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