Program to Convert Octal to Hexadecimal

Python Program to Convert Octal to Hexadecimal

In the previous article, we have discussed Python Program to Convert Decimal to Hexadecimal
Given an octal number and the task is to get the respective hexadecimal number.




Given Octal number = 24


The Hexadecimal value of the given octal number { 24 } is: 



Given Octal number = 72


The Hexadecimal value of the given octal number { 72 } is: 

Program to Convert Octal to Hexadecimal in Python

Below are the ways to convert the given octal number into hexadecimal :

Method #1: Using While Loop (Static Input)


  • Give the octal number as static input and store it in a variable.
  • Take a variable say ‘k‘ and initialize its value with 0.
  • Take a list of length 50 and initialize all the values to zero using the multiplication operator.
  • Store it in another variable.
  • Take another variable say ‘deciml_num‘ and initialize its value with 0.
  • Take another variable say ‘tempry‘ and initialize its value with 0.
  • Loop till the given octal number is not equal to zero using the while loop.
  • Inside the loop, calculate the value of the given octal number modulus 10 and store it in another variable ‘a’.
  • Multiply ‘a’ with the 8 raised to the power tempry using the pow() function and store it in another variable ‘b’.
  • Add ‘b’ with the deciml_num and store it in the same variable deciml_num.
  • Increment the value of tempry by 1 and store it in the same variable tempry.
  • Divide the given octal number by 10 and store it in the same variable gvn_octl_num.
  • Loop till the decimal number is not equal to zero using the while loop.
  • Calculate the value of deciml_num modulus 16 to get the remainder and store it in a variable.
  • Check if the above remainder value is less than 10 using the if conditional statement.
  • If the statement is true, then get the character with the ASCII value remainder+48 using the if conditional statement and store it in a variable
  • Initialize the hexadecimal list at the index ‘k’ with the above-calculated character.
  • Increment the value of k by 1 and store it in the same variable k.
  • Else if the statement is false, get the character with the ASCII value remainder+55.
  • Store it in another variable.
  • Initialize the hexadecimal list at the index ‘k’ with the above-calculated character.
  • Increment the value of k by 1 and store it in the same variable k.
  • Divide the decimal number by 16 and store it in the same variable deciml_num.
  • Loop in decreasing order from k-1 to 0 with the stepsize of -1 using the for loop.
  • Print the element present at the iterator of the hexadecimal list to get the hexadecimal value of the given octal number.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the implementation:

# Give the octal number as static input and store it in a variable.
gvn_octl_num = 24
# Take a variable say 'k' and initialize its value with 0.
k = 0
# Take a list of length 50 and initialize all the values to zero using the multiplication
# operator.
# Store it in another variable.
Hexa_deciml = ['0']*50
# Take another variable say 'deciml_num' and initialize its value with 0.
deciml_num = 0
# Take another variable say 'tempry' and initialize its value with 0.
tempry = 0
    "The Hexadecimal value of the given octal number {", gvn_octl_num, "} is: ")
# Loop till the given octal number is not equal to zero using the while loop.
while gvn_octl_num != 0:
  # Inside the loop, calculate the value of the given octal number modulus 10 and store
    # it in another variable 'a'.
    a = (gvn_octl_num % 10)
 # Multiply 'a' with the 8 raised to the power tempry using the pow() function and store
# it in another variable 'b'.
    b = pow(8, tempry)*a
  # Add 'b' with the deciml_num and store it in the same variable deciml_num.
    deciml_num = deciml_num+b
 # Increment the value of tempry by 1 and store it in the same variable tempry.
    tempry += 1
  # Divide the given octal number by 10 and store it in the same variable gvn_octl_num.
    gvn_octl_num = gvn_octl_num // 10
# Loop till the decimal number is not equal to zero using the while loop.
while deciml_num != 0:
  # Calculate the value of deciml_num modulus 16 to get the remainder and store it in a
  # variable.
    remindr = deciml_num % 16
 # Check if the above remainder value is less than 10 using the if conditional statement.
    if remindr < 10:
        # If the statement is true, then get the character with the ASCII value remainder+48
        # using the if conditional statement and store it in a variable
        chrvalue = chr(remindr+48)
  # Initialize the hexadecimal list at the index 'k' with the above-calculated character.
        Hexa_deciml[k] = chrvalue
 # Increment the value of k by 1 and store it in the same variable k.
        k += 1
     # Else if the statement is false, get the character with the ASCII value remainder+55.
        # Store it in another variable.
        chrvalue = chr(remindr+55)
  # Initialize the hexadecimal list at the index 'k' with the above-calculated character.
        Hexa_deciml[k] = chrvalue
  # Increment the value of k by 1 and store it in the same variable k.
        k += 1
  # Divide the decimal number by 16 and store it in the same variable deciml_num.
    deciml_num //= 16
# Loop in decreasing order from k-1 to 0 with the stepsize of -1 using the for loop.
for itr in range(k-1, -1, -1):
  # Print the element present at the iterator of the hexadecimal list to get the
    # hexadecimal value of the given octal number.
    print(Hexa_deciml[itr], end='')


The Hexadecimal value of the given octal number { 24 } is: 

Method #2: Using While loop (User Input)


  • Give the octal number as user input using the int(input()) function input and store it in a variable.
  • Take a variable say ‘k‘ and initialize its value with 0.
  • Take a list of length 50 and initialize all the values to zero using the multiplication operator.
  • Store it in another variable.
  • Take another variable say ‘deciml_num‘ and initialize its value with 0.
  • Take another variable say ‘tempry‘ and initialize its value with 0.
  • Loop till the given octal number is not equal to zero using the while loop.
  • Inside the loop, calculate the value of the given octal number modulus 10 and store it in another variable ‘a’.
  • Multiply ‘a’ with the 8 raised to the power tempry using the pow() function and store it in another variable ‘b’.
  • Add ‘b’ with the deciml_num and store it in the same variable deciml_num.
  • Increment the value of tempry by 1 and store it in the same variable tempry.
  • Divide the given octal number by 10 and store it in the same variable gvn_octl_num.
  • Loop till the decimal number is not equal to zero using the while loop.
  • Calculate the value of deciml_num modulus 16 to get the remainder and store it in a variable.
  • Check if the above remainder value is less than 10 using the if conditional statement.
  • If the statement is true, then get the character with the ASCII value remainder+48 using the if conditional statement and store it in a variable
  • Initialize the hexadecimal list at the index ‘k’ with the above-calculated character.
  • Increment the value of k by 1 and store it in the same variable k.
  • Else if the statement is false, get the character with the ASCII value remainder+55.
  • Store it in another variable.
  • Initialize the hexadecimal list at the index ‘k’ with the above-calculated character.
  • Increment the value of k by 1 and store it in the same variable k.
  • Divide the decimal number by 16 and store it in the same variable deciml_num.
  • Loop in decreasing order from k-1 to 0 with the stepsize of -1 using the for loop.
  • Print the element present at the iterator of the hexadecimal list to get the hexadecimal value of the given octal number.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the implementation:

# Give the octal number as user input using the int(input()) function input and
# store it in a variable.
gvn_octl_num = int(input("Enter some random number = "))
# Take a variable say 'k' and initialize its value with 0.
k = 0
# Take a list of length 50 and initialize all the values to zero using the multiplication
# operator.
# Store it in another variable.
Hexa_deciml = ['0']*50
# Take another variable say 'deciml_num' and initialize its value with 0.
deciml_num = 0
# Take another variable say 'tempry' and initialize its value with 0.
tempry = 0
    "The Hexadecimal value of the given octal number {", gvn_octl_num, "} is: ")
# Loop till the given octal number is not equal to zero using the while loop.
while gvn_octl_num != 0:
  # Inside the loop, calculate the value of the given octal number modulus 10 and store
    # it in another variable 'a'.
    a = (gvn_octl_num % 10)
 # Multiply 'a' with the 8 raised to the power tempry using the pow() function and store
# it in another variable 'b'.
    b = pow(8, tempry)*a
  # Add 'b' with the deciml_num and store it in the same variable deciml_num.
    deciml_num = deciml_num+b
 # Increment the value of tempry by 1 and store it in the same variable tempry.
    tempry += 1
  # Divide the given octal number by 10 and store it in the same variable gvn_octl_num.
    gvn_octl_num = gvn_octl_num // 10
# Loop till the decimal number is not equal to zero using the while loop.
while deciml_num != 0:
  # Calculate the value of deciml_num modulus 16 to get the remainder and store it in a
  # variable.
    remindr = deciml_num % 16
 # Check if the above remainder value is less than 10 using the if conditional statement.
    if remindr < 10:
        # If the statement is true, then get the character with the ASCII value remainder+48
        # using the if conditional statement and store it in a variable
        chrvalue = chr(remindr+48)
  # Initialize the hexadecimal list at the index 'k' with the above-calculated character.
        Hexa_deciml[k] = chrvalue
 # Increment the value of k by 1 and store it in the same variable k.
        k += 1
     # Else if the statement is false, get the character with the ASCII value remainder+55.
        # Store it in another variable.
        chrvalue = chr(remindr+55)
  # Initialize the hexadecimal list at the index 'k' with the above-calculated character.
        Hexa_deciml[k] = chrvalue
  # Increment the value of k by 1 and store it in the same variable k.
        k += 1
  # Divide the decimal number by 16 and store it in the same variable deciml_num.
    deciml_num //= 16
# Loop in decreasing order from k-1 to 0 with the stepsize of -1 using the for loop.
for itr in range(k-1, -1, -1):
  # Print the element present at the iterator of the hexadecimal list to get the
    # hexadecimal value of the given octal number.
    print(Hexa_deciml[itr], end='')


Enter some random number = 72
The Hexadecimal value of the given octal number { 72 } is: 

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