Python Program to Count Set Bits in a Number

Python Program to Count Set Bits in a Number

Given a number ,the task is to count the set bits of the given number in its binary representation.




given number =235


The total number of set bits in the given number  235  : 



given number =8


The total number of set bits in the given number  8  : 



given number =375


The total number of set bits in the given number  375  : 

Program to Count Set Bits in a Number in Python

There are several ways to count set bits in the binary representation of the given number some of them are:

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Method #1: By checking bit by bit from end using modulus operator

A simple method is to take each bit into consideration in a number (set or unset) and hold an counter to track the set bits.


  • Set the variable say count to 0 to count the total number of set bits.
  • We utilize the while loop.
  • We’ll keep going till the number is bigger than zero (Condition of while statement)
  • Using the % operator, we will determine whether the last check bit is set or not.
  • If the check bit is 1, it indicates that the bit is set, and we increment the count.
  • Divide the given number by 2.
  • Print the count.

Below is the implementation:

def countSetBit(numb):
    # checking if the given number is greater than 1
    if numb > 1:
      # Set the variable say setbitcount to 0 to count the total number of set bits.
        setbitcount = 0
        # looping till number greater than 0 using while loop
        while(numb > 0):
            # We will get the last check bit whether it is set bit or not using % operator
            checkbit = numb % 2
            # checking if the check bit is 1 or not
            # if the check bit is 1 then increment the setbitcount
            if(checkbit == 1):
                setbitcount = setbitcount+1
            # divide the number by 2
            numb = numb//2
    # return the setbitcount
    return setbitcount

# Driver code
given_numb = 235
# passing given number to countSetBit function to
# count the total number of set bits in the given number
print("The total number of set bits in the given number ", given_numb, " : ")


The total number of set bits in the given number  235  : 

Method #2: By checking bit by bit from end using & operator

A simple method is to take each bit into consideration in a number (set or unset) and hold an counter to track the set bits.


  • Set the variable say count to 0 to count the total number of set bits.
  • We utilize the while loop.
  • We’ll keep going till the number is bigger than zero (Condition of while statement)
  • Using the & operator, we will determine whether the last check bit is set or not.
  • If the check bit is 1, it indicates that the bit is set, and we increment the count.
  • Divide the given number by 2.
  • Print the count.

We use n&1 to check whether it is set bit or not.

Below is the implementation:

def countSetBit(numb):
    # checking if the given number is greater than 1
    if numb > 1:
      # Set the variable say setbitcount to 0 to count the total number of set bits.
        setbitcount = 0
        # looping till number greater than 0 using while loop
        while(numb > 0):
            # We will get the last check bit whether it is set bit or not using & operator
            # checking if the check bit is 1 or not
            # if the check bit is 1 then increment the setbitcount
            if(numb & 1):
                setbitcount = setbitcount+1
            # divide the number by 2
            numb = numb//2
    # return the setbitcount
    return setbitcount

# Driver code
given_numb = 235
# passing given number to countSetBit function to
# count the total number of set bits in the given number
print("The total number of set bits in the given number ", given_numb, " : ")


The total number of set bits in the given number  235  : 

Method #3: By converting into binary using bin() and using count() function to count set bits


  • First we convert the given number into binary using bin() function.
  • Then we count total number of ‘1’s in the binary string using count() function
  • Print the count

Below is the implementation:

def countSetBit(numb):
    # converting given number to binary reepresentatioon using bin()
    binNum = bin(numb)
    # we count total number of '1's in the binary string using count() function
    setbitcount = binNum.count('1')
    # return the setbitcount
    return setbitcount

# Driver code
given_numb = 235
# passing given number to countSetBit function to
# count the total number of set bits in the given number
print("The total number of set bits in the given number ", given_numb, " : ")


The total number of set bits in the given number  235  : 

Method #4: By converting into binary using bin() and using sum() function to count set bits


  • First we convert the given number into binary using bin() function.
  • We slice from 2 to end of the binary string using slicing (to remove 0b characters from binary string)
  • Convert every character of binary string to integer using map and then convert it to list
  • Then we count total number of ‘1’s in the binary string list using sum() function(because the binary string contains only 0 and 1)
  • Print the count

Below is the implementation:

def countSetBit(numb):
    # converting given number to binary reepresentatioon using bin()
    binNum = bin(numb)
    # We will slice from 2 index to last index of the result returned by binary string
    binNum = binNum[2:]
    # Convert every character of binary string to integer using map
    # and then convert it to list
    binList = list(map(int, binNum))
    # we count total number of '1's in the binary string using sum() function
    setbitcount = sum(binList)
    # return the setbitcount
    return setbitcount

# Driver code
given_numb = 235
# passing given number to countSetBit function to
# count the total number of set bits in the given number
print("The total number of set bits in the given number ", given_numb, " : ")


The total number of set bits in the given number  235  : 

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