In the previous article, we have discussed Python Program for isdigit() Function
String join() Function in Python:
The join() method joins all items in an iterable into a single string.
As the separator, a string must be specified.
iterable: This is required. Any iterable object whose returned values are all strings.
Given list = ['welcome', 'to', 'python', 'programs'] Given separator = '@'
The given list items after applying join() function : welcome@to@python@programs
Given tuple = ('hello', 'all', 'good', 'morning') Given separator = '-'
The given tuple items after applying join() function : hello-all-good-morning
Program for String join() in Python
Method #1: Using Built-in Functions (Static Input)
- Give the list as static input and store it in a variable.
- Give the tuple as static input and store it in another variable.
- Give the set as static input and store it in another variable.
- Give the first separator as static input and store it in another variable.
- Give the second separator as static input and store it in another variable.
- Give the third separator as static input and store it in another variable.
- Apply join() function to the given list to joins all items in a list into a single string for the given separator1.
- Â Store it in another variable.
- Apply join() function to the given tuple to joins all items in a tuple into a single string for the given separator2.
- Store it in another variable.
- Print the result string after joining the given list items using the join() function.
- Print the result string after joining the given tuple items using the join() function.
- Similarly, do the same for the given set with the given third separator and print the result string.
- The Exit of Program.
Below is the implementation:
# Give the list as static input and store it in a variable. gvn_lst = ['welcome', 'to', 'python', 'programs'] # Give the tuple as static input and store it in another variable. gvn_tupl = ('hello', 'all', 'good', 'morning') # Give the set as static input and store it in another variable. gvn_set = ('This', 'is', 'python', 'learning', 'platform') # Give the first separator as static input and store it in another variable. gvn_sepatr1 = '@' # Give the second separator as static input and store it in another variable. gvn_sepatr2 = '-' # Give the third separator as static input and store it in another variable. gvn_sepatr3 = '#' # Apply join() function to the given list to joins all items in a list into a # single string for the given separator1. # Store it in another variable. rsltstrng1 = gvn_sepatr1.join(gvn_lst) # Apply join() function to the given tuple to joins all items in a tuple into a # single string for the given separator2. # Store it in another variable. rsltstrng2 = gvn_sepatr2.join(gvn_tupl) print("The given list items after applying join() function : ", rsltstrng1) print("The given tuple items after applying join() function : ", rsltstrng2) # Similarly, do the same for the given set with given third separator and # print the result string rsltstrng3 = gvn_sepatr3.join(gvn_set) print("The given set items after applying join() function : ", rsltstrng3)
The given list items after applying join() function : welcome@to@python@programs The given tuple items after applying join() function : hello-all-good-morning The given set items after applying join() function : This#is#python#learning#platform
Method #2: Using Built-in Functions (User Input)
- Give the list as user input using list(), input(), and split() functions.
- Store it in a variable.
- Give the tuple as user input using list(), input(), and split() functions.
- Store it in another variable.
- Give the set as user input using list(), input(), and split() functions.
- Store it in another variable.
- Give the first separator as user input using the input() function and store it in another variable.
- Give the second separator as user input using the input() function and store it in another variable.
- Give the third separator as user input using the input() function and store it in another variable.
- Apply join() function to the given list to joins all items in a list into a single string for the given separator1.
- Â Store it in another variable.
- Apply join() function to the given tuple to joins all items in a tuple into a single string for the given separator2.
- Store it in another variable.
- Print the result string after joining the given list items using the join() function.
- Print the result string after joining the given tuple items using the join() function.
- Similarly, do the same for the given set with the given third separator and print the result string.
- The Exit of Program.
Below is the implementation:
# Give the list as user input using list(),input() and split() functions. # Store it in a variable. gvn_lst = list(input( 'Enter some random List Elements separated by spaces = ').split()) # Give the tuple as user input using list(), input(),and split() functions. # Store it in another variable. gvn_tupl = tuple(input( 'Enter some random Tuple Elements separated by spaces = ').split()) # Give the set as user input using list(), input(),and split() functions. # Store it in another variable. gvn_set = set(input( 'Enter some random Set Elements separated by spaces = ').split()) # Give the first separator as user input using the input() function and # store it in another variable. gvn_sepatr1 = input("Enter a random element = ") # Give the second separator as user input using the input() function and # store it in another variable. gvn_sepatr2 = input("Enter a random element = ") # Give the third separator as user input using the input() function and # store it in another variable. gvn_sepatr3 = input("Enter a random element = ") # Apply join() function to the given list to joins all items in a list into a # single string for the given separator1. # Store it in another variable. rsltstrng1 = gvn_sepatr1.join(gvn_lst) # Apply join() function to the given tuple to joins all items in a tuple into a # single string for the given separator2. # Store it in another variable. rsltstrng2 = gvn_sepatr2.join(gvn_tupl) # Print the result string after joining the given list items using the join() # function print("The given list items after applying join() function : ", rsltstrng1) # Print the result string after joining the given tuple items using the join() # function print("The given tuple items after applying join() function : ", rsltstrng2) # Similarly, do the same for the given set with given third separator and # print the result string rsltstrng3 = gvn_sepatr3.join(gvn_set) print("The given set items after applying join() function : ", rsltstrng3)
Enter some random List Elements separated by spaces = hello this is python learning platform Enter some random Tuple Elements separated by spaces = p r q s t Enter some random Set Elements separated by spaces = good morning all Enter a random element = & Enter a random element = * Enter a random element = ! The given list items after applying join() function : hello&this&is&python&learning&platform The given tuple items after applying join() function : p*r*q*s*t The given set items after applying join() function : good!morning!all
Are you facing difficulties in finding all the methods that a string object can call in python? Have a glance at this Python String Method Examples Tutorial & meet such challenges with ease.