In the previous article, we have discussed Python Program to Check Duck Number
Gross Salary:
It denotes the amount paid out to an individual prior to any voluntary or mandatory deductions. As a result, it is the total pay received by an employee before taxes and other deductions. Gross salary includes all sources of income and is not limited to only cash income. As a result, it includes any benefits or services received by an employee. The salary that an employee receives, on the other hand, is the net salary after deductions.
House rent allowance (HRA):
House rent allowance, or HRA, is a salary component that covers employees’ housing expenses.
Formula to calculate the Gross Salary :
Gross salary equals the sum of the basic salary plus the HRA and any other allowances.
Gross salary = Basic salary + House Rent Allowance + Other Allowances
Gross salary =basic + da + hr + da_on_ta
da on ta=(3*basic)/100
Given Basic salary = 23000
The Employee's Gross salary from the given basic salary { 23000 } = 29440.0
Given Basic salary = 18000
The Employee's Gross salary from the given basic salary { 18000 } = 23040.0
Program to Enter Basic Salary and Calculate Gross Salary of an Employee in Python
Below are the ways to calculate the Gross salary from the given basic salary :
Method #1: Using Mathematical Formula (Static Input)
- Give the basic salary as static input and store it in a variable.
- Calculate the value of da from the above given mathematical formula and store it in another variable.
- Calculate the value of hr from the above given mathematical formula and store it in another variable.
- Calculate the value of da-on-ta from the above given mathematical formula and store it in another variable.
- Calculate the gross salary using the above given mathematical formula and store it in another variable.
- Print the Gross salary of an employee from the given basic salary.
- The Exit of the program.
Below is the implementation of the above given approach:
# Give the basic salary as static input and store it in a variable. gvn_basc_sal = 23000 # Calculate the value of da from the above given mathematical formula and store # it in another variable. gvn_da = (float)(15 * gvn_basc_sal) / 100.0 # Calculate the value of hr from the above given mathematical formula and store # it in another variable. gvn_hr = (float)(10 * gvn_basc_sal) / 100.0 # Calculate the value of da-on-ta from the above given mathematical formula and store # it in another variable. gvn_da_on_ta = (float)(3 * gvn_basc_sal) / 100.0 # Calculate the gross salary using the above given mathematical formula and store # it in another variable. gros_sal = gvn_basc_sal + gvn_da + gvn_hr + gvn_da_on_ta # Print the Gross salary of an employee from the given basic salary. print( "The Employee's Gross salary from the given basic salary {", gvn_basc_sal, "} =", gros_sal)
The Employee's Gross salary from the given basic salary { 23000 } = 29440.0
Method #2: Using Mathematical Formula (User Input)
- Give the basic salary as user input using the float(input()) function and store it in a variable.
- Calculate the value of da from the above given mathematical formula and store it in another variable.
- Calculate the value of hr from the above given mathematical formula and store it in another variable.
- Calculate the value of da-on-ta from the above given mathematical formula and store it in another variable.
- Calculate the gross salary from the above given mathematical formula and store it in another variable.
- Print the Gross salary of an employee from the given basic salary.
- The Exit of the program.
Below is the implementation:
# Give the basic salary as user input using the float(input()) function and # store it in a variable. gvn_basc_sal = float(input("Enter some random Number = ")) # Calculate the value of da from the above given mathematical formula and store # it in another variable. gvn_da = (float)(15 * gvn_basc_sal) / 100.0 # Calculate the value of hr from the above given mathematical formula and store # it in another variable. gvn_hr = (float)(10 * gvn_basc_sal) / 100.0 # Calculate the value of da-on-ta from the above given mathematical formula and store # it in another variable. gvn_da_on_ta = (float)(3 * gvn_basc_sal) / 100.0 # Calculate the gross salary using the above given mathematical formula and store # it in another variable. gros_sal = gvn_basc_sal + gvn_da + gvn_hr + gvn_da_on_ta # Print the Gross salary of an employee from the given basic salary. print( "The Employee's Gross salary from the given basic salary {", gvn_basc_sal, "} =", gros_sal)
Enter some random Number = 50000 The Employee's Gross salary from the given basic salary { 50000.0 } = 64000.0
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