Prime Divisor:
The prime divisor of a polynomial is a non-constant integer that is divisible by the prime and is known as the prime divisor.
Some prime divisors are 2 , 3 , 5 ,7 , 11 ,13 ,17 ,19 and 23 etc.
Divisors can be both positive and negative in character. A divisor is an integer and its negation.
Given a number, the task is to print the smallest divisor of the given number in Python.
Given number =91
The smallest prime divisor the number [ 91 ] is [ 7 ]
Given number =240
The smallest prime divisor the number [ 240 ] is [ 2 ]
Program to Find Smallest Prime Divisor of a Number in Python
Below are the ways to print the smallest divisor of the given number in Python.
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Method #1: Using For Loop (Static Input)
- Give the number as static input and store it in a variable.
- Take an empty list and initialize it’s with an empty list using list() and [].
- Loop from 2 to the given number using the For loop.
- Check if the iterator value divides the given number using the % operator and the If statement.
- If It is true then append it to the list.
- Print the first element of the list using the index 0.
- The Exit of the Program.
Below is the implementation:
# Give the number as static input and store it in a variable. numb = 91 # Take an empty list and initialize it's with an empty list using list() and []. nwlist = [] # Loop from 2 to the given number using the For loop. for m in range(2, numb+1): # Check if the iterator value divides the given number # using the % operator and the If statement. if(numb % m == 0): # If It is true then append it to the list. nwlist.append(m) smalldivisor = nwlist[0] # Print the first element of the list using the index 0. print( 'The smallest prime divisor the number [', numb, '] is [', smalldivisor, ']')
The smallest prime divisor the number [ 91 ] is [ 7 ]
Method #2: Using For Loop (User Input)
- Give the number as user input using the int(input()) function and store it in a variable.
- Take an empty list and initialize it’s with an empty list using list() and [].
- Loop from 2 to the given number using the For loop.
- Check if the iterator value divides the given number using the % operator and the If statement.
- If It is true then append it to the list.
- Print the first element of the list using the index 0.
- The Exit of the Program.
Below is the implementation:
# Give the number as user input using the int(input()) function and store it in a variable. numb = int(input('Enter some random number =')) # Take an empty list and initialize it's with an empty list using list() and []. nwlist = [] # Loop from 2 to the given number using the For loop. for m in range(2, numb+1): # Check if the iterator value divides the given number # using the % operator and the If statement. if(numb % m == 0): # If It is true then append it to the list. nwlist.append(m) smalldivisor = nwlist[0] # Print the first element of the list using the index 0. print( 'The smallest prime divisor the number [', numb, '] is [', smalldivisor, ']')
Enter some random number =240 The smallest prime divisor the number [ 240 ] is [ 2 ]
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