In this article, we will look at how to find the Nth word in a given text using Python.
We frequently encounter circumstances in which we do not require the complete string but merely a certain word from it.
Given multiple strings separated by spaces, the task is to print the Nth word in the given string in Python.
Given string =Good morning this is btechgeeks platform Given n=3
The [ 3 ] th word in the given Good morning this is btechgeeks platform is { this }
Given string =hello thi sis btechgeeks Given n=4
The [ 4 ] th word in the given hello thi sis btechgeeks is { btechgeeks }
Program to Print Nth word in a given String in Python
Below are the ways to print the Nth word in the given string in Python.
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Method #1: Using split() Function (Static Input)
- Give the string as static input and store it in the variable.
- Give the value of n as static input and store it in another variable.
- Convert this string into a list of words and split them with spaces using split() and list() functions.
- Print the nth word in the given list by printing the n-1 indexed element in the above list.
- The Exit of the Program.
Below is the implementation:
# Give the string as static input and store it in the variable. gvnwordsstring = 'Good morning this is btechgeeks platform' # Give the value of n as static input and store it in another variable. p = 3 # Convert this string into a list of words and # split them with spaces using split() and list() functions. stringwordslist = list(gvnwordsstring.split()) # Print the nth word in the given list by printing the n-1 indexed element # in the above list. nthword = stringwordslist[p-1] print('The [', p, '] th word in the given', gvnwordsstring, 'is {', nthword, '}')
The [ 3 ] th word in the given Good morning this is btechgeeks platform is { this }
Method #2: Using split() Function (User Input)
- Give the string as user input using the input() function and store it in the variable.
- Give the value of n as user input using the int(input()) function and store it in another variable.
- Convert this string into a list of words and split them with spaces using split() and list() functions.
- Print the nth word in the given list by printing the n-1 indexed element in the above list.
- The Exit of the Program.
Below is the implementation:
# Give the string as user input using the input() function and store it in the variable. gvnwordsstring = input('Enter some random string = ') # Give the value of n as user input using the int(input()) # function and store it in another variable. p = int(input('Enter some random value of n =')) # Convert this string into a list of words and # split them with spaces using split() and list() functions. stringwordslist = list(gvnwordsstring.split()) # Print the nth word in the given list by printing the n-1 indexed element # in the above list. nthword = stringwordslist[p-1] print('The [', p, '] th word in the given', gvnwordsstring, 'is {', nthword, '}')
Enter some random string = hello this is btechgeeks Enter some random value of n =4 The [ 4 ] th word in the given hello thi sis btechgeeks is { btechgeeks }
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