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Given the list of words, the task is to write a python program that reads the list of words and prints the largest/longest words in the list.
given list of words = Hello this is BTechGeeks online platform
Printing the longest length word : BTechGeeks
given list of words = Sky is pink
Printing the longest length word : pink
Python Program to Read a List of Words and Return the Length of the Longest Word
There are several ways to read a list of words and return the length of the longest word some of them are:
- Reading a list of words separated by new line and comparing length of words using if statement (User Input)
- Reading a list of words separated by space and comparing length of words using if statement (User Input)
- Reading a list of words separated by space as static input and comparing length of words using if statement (Static Input)
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Method #1: Reading a list of words separated by a new line and comparing the length of words using if statement (User Input)
- Scan the number of elements/strings and store it in a variable
- Using a for loop, accept the values into the list and put them into the list.
- Assume that the first element is the one with the longest word.
- The lengths of the words in the list are then compared with the first element using a for loop and an if statement.
- In a temporary variable, save the name of the term with the longest length.
- Print the word that has the longest length.
- Exit of program
Below is the implementation:
# Taking a empty list listWords = [] # scanning the number of strings numb = int(input("enter the total number of strings :")) # Using for loop for i in range(numb): elem = input("enter some random string or word :\n") listWords.append(elem) # taking the first element length as max length word maxLength = len(listWords[0]) # Initializing a temp variable which stores the first word word = listWords[0] # Traversing the words list for i in listWords: if(len(i) > maxLength): maxLength = len(i) word = i print("Printing the longest length word :") print(word)
enter the total number of strings :6 enter some random string or word : hello enter some random string or word : this enter some random string or word : is enter some random string or word : BTechGeeks enter some random string or word : online enter some random string or word : platform Printing the longest length word : BTechGeeks
Method #2: Reading a list of words separated by space and comparing length of words using if statement (User Input)
- Scan the list of words separated by space.
- Store the above string in the list using the split() function.
- Assume that the first element is the one with the longest word.
- The lengths of the words in the list are then compared with the first element using a for loop and an if statement.
- In a temporary variable, save the name of the term with the longest length.
- Print the word that has the longest length.
- Exit of program
Below is the implementation:
# Taking a list of words in list using split listWords = list(input("Enter the list of words / enter the sentence\n").split()) # taking the first element length as max length word maxLength = len(listWords[0]) # Initializing a temp variable which stores the first word word = listWords[0] # Traversing the words list for i in listWords: if(len(i) > maxLength): maxLength = len(i) word = i print("Printing the longest length word :") print(word)
Enter the list of words / enter the sentence hello this is BTechGeeks online Platform Printing the longest length word : BTechGeeks
Method #3: Reading a list of words separated by space as static input and comparing length of words using if statement (Static Input)
- Give the list of words separated by space as static input.
- Assume that the first element is the one with the longest word.
- The lengths of the words in the list are then compared with the first element using a for loop and an if statement.
- In a temporary variable, save the name of the term with the longest length.
- Print the word that has the longest length.
- Exit of program
Below is the implementation:
# Taking a list of words in list listWords = ["Hello", "this", "is", "BTechGeeks", "online", "Platform"] # taking the first element length as max length word maxLength = len(listWords[0]) # Initializing a temp variable which stores the first word word = listWords[0] # Traversing the words list for i in listWords: if(len(i) > maxLength): maxLength = len(i) word = i print("Printing the longest length word :") print(word)
Printing the longest length word : BTechGeeks
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