Program to Remove Even Frequency Characters from the String

Python Program to Remove Even Frequency Characters from the String

In the previous article, we have discussed Python Program to Find the Sum of all Even Occurring Elements in an Array/List

Given a string and the task is to remove all the even occurring characters from the given string.




Given String = "zzzkkooopppzytuh"


The given string { zzzkkooopppzytuh } after removing even frequency elements is : ooopppytuh



Given String = "hellobtechgeeks"


The given string { hellobtechgeeks } after removing even frequency elements is : obtcgks

Program to Remove Even Frequency Characters from the String in Python

Below are the ways to remove all the even occurring characters from the given string in python:

Method #1: Using Dictionary (Hashing, Static Input)


  • Take a dictionary and initialize it to empty using the {} or dict() say freqncyDictionary.
  • Give the string as static input and store it in a variable.
  • Loop in the given string using the For loop.
  • Inside the For loop, Check if the string character is present in the dictionary or not using the if conditional statement and ‘in’ keyword.
  • If it is true then increment the count of the string character in the dictionary by 1.
  • Else initialize the dictionary with the string character as key and value as 1.
  • Take a string that stores all the characters which are not occurring even a number of times and initialize it to null string using “or str()
  • loop in the given string using the for loop.
  • Check if the character has an odd frequency by checking the value of that character in the frequency dictionary we check using the if conditional statement.
  • If it is true then concatenate this character to modifd_string using string concatenation.
  • Print the modifd_string string.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the implementation:

# Take a dictionary and initialize it to empty
# using the {} or dict() say freqncyDictionary.
freqncyDictionary = {}
# Give the string as static input and store it in a variable
gvnstrng = "zzzkkooopppzytuh"
# Loop in the given string using the For loop.
for i in gvnstrng:
        # Inside the For loop,
    # Check if the string character is present in the dictionary
    # or not using the if conditional statement and 'in' keyword.
    if i in freqncyDictionary.keys():
                # If it is true then increment the count of the string character
        # in the dictionary by 1.
        freqncyDictionary[i] = freqncyDictionary[i]+1
    # Else initialize the dictionary with the string character as key and value as 1.
        freqncyDictionary[i] = 1
# Take a string which stores all the characters which are not occuring even number
# of times and initialize it to null string using "" or str()
modifd_string = ""
# loop in the given string using the for loop
for charac in gvnstrng:

        # check if the character has odd frequency by checking value of that character in frequency dictionary
        # we check using the if conditional statement
    if(freqncyDictionary[charac] % 2 != 0):
        # if it is true then concatenate this character to modifd_string using string concatenation
        modifd_string = modifd_string+charac

# print the modifd_string string
print('The given string {', gvnstrng,
      '} after removing even frequency elements is :', modifd_string)


The given string { zzzkkooopppzytuh } after removing even frequency elements is : ooopppytuh

Method #2: Using Dictionary (Hashing, User Input)


  • Take a dictionary and initialize it to empty using the {} or dict() say freqncyDictionary.
  • Give the string as the user input using the input() function and store it in a variable.
  • Loop in the given string using the For loop.
  • Inside the For loop, Check if the string character is present in the dictionary or not using the if conditional statement and ‘in’ keyword.
  • If it is true then increment the count of the string character in the dictionary by 1.
  • Else initialize the dictionary with the string character as key and value as 1.
  • Take a string that stores all the characters which are not occurring even a number of times and initialize it to null string using “or str()
  • loop in the given string using the for loop.
  • Check if the character has an odd frequency by checking the value of that character in the frequency dictionary we check using the if conditional statement.
  • If it is true then concatenate this character to modifd_string using string concatenation.
  • Print the modifd_string string.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the implementation:

# Take a dictionary and initialize it to empty
# using the {} or dict() say freqncyDictionary.
freqncyDictionary = {}
# Give the string as the user input using the input() function and store it in a variable.
gvnstrng = input("Enter some random string = ")
# Loop in the given string using the For loop.
for i in gvnstrng:
        # Inside the For loop,
    # Check if the string character is present in the dictionary
    # or not using the if conditional statement and 'in' keyword.
    if i in freqncyDictionary.keys():
                # If it is true then increment the count of the string character
        # in the dictionary by 1.
        freqncyDictionary[i] = freqncyDictionary[i]+1
    # Else initialize the dictionary with the string character as key and value as 1.
        freqncyDictionary[i] = 1
# Take a string which stores all the characters which are not occuring even number
# of times and initialize it to null string using "" or str()
modifd_string = ""
# loop in the given string using the for loop
for charac in gvnstrng:

        # check if the character has odd frequency by checking value of that character in frequency dictionary
        # we check using the if conditional statement
    if(freqncyDictionary[charac] % 2 != 0):
        # if it is true then concatenate this character to modifd_string using string concatenation
        modifd_string = modifd_string+charac

# print the modifd_string string
print('The given string {', gvnstrng,
      '} after removing even frequency elements is :', modifd_string)


Enter some random string = hellobtechgeeks
The given string { hellobtechgeeks } after removing even frequency elements is : obtcgks

Method #3: Using Counter() function (Hashing, Static Input)


  • Import the Counter() function from collections using the import keyword.
  • Give the string as static input and store it in a variable
  • Calculate the frequency of all the given string characters using the Counter() function which returns the element and its frequency as key-value pair  and store this dictionary in a variable(say freqncyDictionary)
  • Take a string that stores all the characters which are not occurring even a number of times and initialize it to null string using “or str()
  • loop in the given string using the for loop.
  • Check if the character has an odd frequency by checking the value of that character in the frequency dictionary we check using the if conditional statement.
  • If it is true then concatenate this character to modifd_string using string concatenation.
  • Print the modifd_string string.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the implementation:

# Import the Counter() function from collections using the import keyword.
from collections import Counter
# Give the string as static input and store it in a variable
gvnstrng = "zzzkkooopppzytuh"
# Calculate the frequency of all the given string characters using the Counter()
# function which returns the element and its frequency as key-value pair
# and store this dictionary in a variable(say freqncyDictionary)
freqncyDictionary = Counter(gvnstrng)
# Take a string which stores all the characters which are not occuring even number
# of times and initialize it to null string using "" or str()
modifd_string = ""
# loop in the given string using the for loop
for charac in gvnstrng:

        # check if the character has odd frequency by checking value of that character in frequency dictionary
        # we check using the if conditional statement
    if(freqncyDictionary[charac] % 2 != 0):
        # if it is true then concatenate this character to modifd_string using string concatenation
        modifd_string = modifd_string+charac

# print the modifd_string string
print('The given string {', gvnstrng,
      '} after removing even frequency elements is :', modifd_string)


The given string { zzzkkooopppzytuh } after removing even frequency elements is : ooopppytuh

Method #4: Using Counter() function (Hashing, User Input)


  • Import the Counter() function from collections using the import keyword.
  • Give the string as the user input using the input() function and store it in a variable.
  • Calculate the frequency of all the given string characters using the Counter() function which returns the element and its frequency as key-value pair  and store this dictionary in a variable(say freqncyDictionary)
  • Take a string that stores all the characters which are not occurring even a number of times and initialize it to null string using “or str()
  • loop in the given string using the for loop.
  • Check if the character has an odd frequency by checking the value of that character in the frequency dictionary we check using the if conditional statement.
  • If it is true then concatenate this character to modifd_string using string concatenation.
  • Print the modifd_string string.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the implementation:

# Import the Counter() function from collections using the import keyword.
from collections import Counter
# Give the string as user input using the input() function and store it in a variable
gvnstrng = input("Enter some random string = ")
# Calculate the frequency of all the given string characters using the Counter()
# function which returns the element and its frequency as key-value pair
# and store this dictionary in a variable(say freqncyDictionary)
freqncyDictionary = Counter(gvnstrng)
# Take a string which stores all the characters which are not occuring even number
# of times and initialize it to null string using "" or str()
modifd_string = ""
# loop in the given string using the for loop
for charac in gvnstrng:

        # check if the character has odd frequency by checking value of that character in frequency dictionary
        # we check using the if conditional statement
    if(freqncyDictionary[charac] % 2 != 0):
        # if it is true then concatenate this character to modifd_string using string concatenation
        modifd_string = modifd_string+charac

# print the modifd_string string
print('The given string {', gvnstrng,
      '} after removing even frequency elements is :', modifd_string)


Enter some random string = hellobtechgeeks
The given string { hellobtechgeeks } after removing even frequency elements is : obtcgks

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