Program to Print Neon numbers in a Range

Python Program to Print Neon numbers in a Range

In this article, we will learn how to print Neon numbers within a specific range in Python. You will learn what a Neon number is, how to check whether a given number is a Neon number, and how to write a Python code that outputs all the Neon numbers within the user-specified range.

Neon Number:

A Neon Number is a number whose square sum of digits equals the original number.

Ex: 9

Square of 9 =81

Sum of digits of square = 8 +1 =9 ,So it is Neon Number




Given upper limit range =1
Given lower limit range =7


The Neon numbers in the given range 1 and 7 are:



Given upper limit range =1
Given lower limit range =23


Enter lower limit range and upper limit range separate bt spaces = 1 23
The Neon numbers in the given range 1 and 23 are:
1 9

Program to Print Neon numbers in a Range in Python

Below are the ways to print all the Neon numbers in the given range.

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Method #1: Using list() and sum() functions (Static Input)


  • Create a function checkNeonnumb() which accepts the number as an argument and returns true if it is Neon number else returns False.
  • Give the lower limit range as static input and store it in a variable.
  • Give the upper limit range as static input and store it in another variable.
  • Inside the checkNeonnumb() function
  • Calculate the square of the given number/argument using the ** operator or multiply the given number by itself and store it in a variable.
  • Convert this squared number into a list of digits using list(),int(),map(),str() functions.
  • Store this list in a variable.
  • Calculate the sum of digits of this list using the sum() function.
  • Check if this sum is equal to the given number or not using the If conditional statement.
  • If it is true then the given number is a Neon Number so return True
  • Else the given number is not a Neon Number so return False.
  • Loop from lower limit range to upper limit range using For loop.
  • Inside the for loop pass the iterator value to checkNeonnumb() function.
  • If it returns true then print the iterator value.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the implementation:

# Create a function checkNeonNumb() which accepts the number as an argument and
# returns true if it is Neon number else returns False.

def checkNeonNumb(numb):
    # Calculate the square of the given number/argument using the ** operator or multiply
    # the given number by itself and store it in a variable.
    squarnumb = numb**2
    # Convert this squared number into a list of digits
    # using list(),int(),map(),str() functions.
    # Store this list in a variable.
    numbedigit = list(map(int, str(squarnumb)))
    # Calculate the sum of digits of this list using the sum() function.
    sumdigi = sum(numbedigit)
    # Check if this sum is equal to the given number
    # or not using the If conditional statement.
    # If it is true then the given number is a Neon Number so return True
    if(sumdigi == numb):
        return True
    # Else the given number is not a Neon Number so return False.
        return False

# Give the lower limit range as static input and store it in a variable.
lowlimrange = 1
# Give the upper limit range as static input and store it in another variable.
upplimrange = 7
print('The Neon numbers in the given range',
      lowlimrange, 'and', upplimrange, 'are:')
# Loop from lower limit range to upper limit range using For loop.
for p in range(lowlimrange, upplimrange+1):
        # Inside the for loop pass the iterator value to checkNeonnumb() function.
        # If it returns true then print the iterator value.
        print(p, end=' ')


The Neon numbers in the given range 1 and 7 are:

Method #2: Using list() and sum() functions (User Input)


  • Create a function checkNeonnumb() which accepts the number as an argument and returns true if it is Neon number else returns False.
  • Give the lower limit range and upper limit range as user input using map(),int(),split() functions.
  • Store them in two separate variables.
  • Inside the checkNeonnumb() function
  • Calculate the square of the given number/argument using the ** operator or multiply the given number by itself and store it in a variable.
  • Convert this squared number into a list of digits using list(),int(),map(),str() functions.
  • Store this list in a variable.
  • Calculate the sum of digits of this list using the sum() function.
  • Check if this sum is equal to the given number or not using the If conditional statement.
  • If it is true then the given number is a Neon Number so return True
  • Else the given number is not a Neon Number so return False.
  • Loop from lower limit range to upper limit range using For loop.
  • Inside the for loop pass the iterator value to checkNeonnumb() function.
  • If it returns true then print the iterator value.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the implementation:

# Create a function checkNeonNumb() which accepts the number as an argument and
# returns true if it is Neon number else returns False.

def checkNeonNumb(numb):
    # Calculate the square of the given number/argument using the ** operator or multiply
    # the given number by itself and store it in a variable.
    squarnumb = numb**2
    # Convert this squared number into a list of digits
    # using list(),int(),map(),str() functions.
    # Store this list in a variable.
    numbedigit = list(map(int, str(squarnumb)))
    # Calculate the sum of digits of this list using the sum() function.
    sumdigi = sum(numbedigit)
    # Check if this sum is equal to the given number
    # or not using the If conditional statement.
    # If it is true then the given number is a Neon Number so return True
    if(sumdigi == numb):
        return True
    # Else the given number is not a Neon Number so return False.
        return False

# Give the lower limit range and upper limit range as
# user input using map(),int(),split() functions.
# Store them in two separate variables.
lowlimrange, upplimrange = map(int, input(
    'Enter lower limit range and upper limit range separate bt spaces = ').split())
print('The Neon numbers in the given range',
      lowlimrange, 'and', upplimrange, 'are:')
# Loop from lower limit range to upper limit range using For loop.
for p in range(lowlimrange, upplimrange+1):
        # Inside the for loop pass the iterator value to checkNeonnumb() function.
        # If it returns true then print the iterator value.
        print(p, end=' ')


Enter lower limit range and upper limit range separate bt spaces = 1 23
The Neon numbers in the given range 1 and 23 are:
1 9

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