numpy.linspace() | Create same sized samples over an interval in Python

Create a Numpy array of evenly spaced samples over a range using numpy.linspace()

In this article we will discus about how to create a Numpy array of evenly spaced samples over a range using numpy.linspace().


Numpy module provides a function numpy.linspace() to create a evenly spaced samples over a specified interval i.e.

Syntax: numpy.linspace(start, stop, num=50, endpoint=True, retstep=False, dtype=None)
  • start : Represents the start value of the range
  • stop : Represents the end value of the range (Actually array doesn’t include this value but it acts as an end point)
  • num : Represents the number of samples to be generated (If it is not provided then optional value is taken as 50)
  • dtype : Represents datatype of elements.

To use Numpy we have to include the below module i.e.

import numpy as np

Let’s see below two examples to understand the concept.

Example-1 : Create 5 evenly spaced samples in interval [10, 50]

import numpy as np
# Create 5 evenly spaced samples in interval [10, 50]
temp_arr = np.linspace(10,50,5)
Output :
[10. 20. 30. 40. 50.]
We can also specify the datatype as int32 by dtype.
import numpy as np
# Create 5 evenly spaced samples in interval [10, 50]
temp_arr = np.linspace(10,50,5,dtype=np.int32)
Output :
[10 20 30 40 50]

Example-2 : Get the Step size from numpy.linspace()

When we will pass retstep=True in numpy.linspace().

Then it will return step size between samples.
import numpy as np
# Create 5 evenly spaced samples in interval [10, 50]
temp_arr, step = np.linspace(10,50,5,dtype=np.int32,retstep=True)
print('Printing the Numpy Array contents: ')
print('The step size between two samples  : ', step)
Output :
Contents of the Numpy Array : 
[10 20 30 40 50]
Step size between two elements : 10.0