Program to Calculate Age in Days from Date of Birth

Python Program to Calculate Age in Days from Date of Birth

In the previous article, we have discussed Python Program to Check Strontio Number or Not.
Given the Date of Birth and task is to calculate the corresponding age in days.

datetime module:

The datetime module contains numerous classes that can be used to manipulate date and time in both simple and complex ways.

In this, the date is formatted as the year month date (YY, MM, DD). :The current date/system date is returned by

To calculate age from date of birth, subtract the date of birth from the current date.

timedelta() function in Python:

The Python timedelta() function is part of the datetime library and is commonly used for calculating date differences. It can also be used for date manipulation in Python. It is one of the simplest methods for manipulating dates.




Given Date of Birth = (2000, 3, 14)


The age in days and time for the Given DOB =  7823 days, 14:16:13.409557



Given Date of Birth = (1999, 5, 16)


The age in days and time for the Given DOB = 8126 days, 14:14:30.074853

Program to Calculate Age in Days from Date of Birth

Below are the ways to calculate age in days from the given Date of Birth.

Method #1: Using the datetime Module (Static Input)


  • Import datetime(), timedelta() functions from datetime module using import keyword.
  • Give the date of birth as static input in the format (YY, MM, DD) using datetime() function and store it in a variable.
  • Get the current/today date using function and store it in another variable.
  • Subtract the given date of birth from the current date to get the age in days and store it in another variable.
  • Print the age in days and time from the given date of birth.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Note: If we include the timedelta() function we get age in time including microseconds.

If you want age only in days then remove the timedelta() function import only datetime() function.

Below is the implementation:

# Import datetime(), timedelta() functions from datetime module using import keyword.
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
# Give the date of birth as static input in the format (YY, MM, DD) using datetime() function
# and store it in a variable.
gvn_DOB = datetime(1999, 5, 16)
# Get the current/today date using function and store it in
# another variable.
current_date =
# Subtract the given date of birth from the current date to get the age in days
# and store it in another variable.
age_in_days = current_date - gvn_DOB
# Print the age in days and time from the given date of birth.
print("The age in days and time for the Given DOB = ", age_in_days)


The age in days and time for the Given DOB =  8126 days, 14:14:30.074853

Method #2: Using the datetime Module (User Input)


  • Import datetime(), timedelta() functions from datetime module using import keyword.
  • Give the year, month, day as user input using map (), int(), split() functions and store them separately in three different variables.
  • Convert the year, month, day to date of birth using datetime() module and store it in another variable.
  • Get the current/today date using function and store it in another variable.
  • Subtract the given date of birth from the current date to get the age in days and store it in another variable.
  • Print the age in days and time from the given date of birth.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the implementation:

# Import datetime(), timedelta() functions from datetime module using import keyword.
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
# Give the year, month, day as user input using map (), int(), split() functions 
#and store them separately in three different variables.
yr,mont,dy= map(int,input("Enter year ,month ,day separated by spaces = ").split())
#Convert the year, month, day to date of birth using datetime() module and store it in another variable.
gvn_DOB=datetime(yr, mont, dy)
# Get the current/today date using function and store it in
# another variable.
current_date =
# Subtract the given date of birth from the current date to get the age in days
# and store it in another variable.
age_in_days = current_date - gvn_DOB
# Print the age in days and time from the given date of birth.
print("The age in days and time for the Given DOB = ", age_in_days)


Enter year ,month ,day separated by spaces = 2003 7 19
The age in days and time for the Given DOB = 6601 days, 14:47:41.427259

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