Program to Check Given Two Integers have Opposite signs

Python Program to Check Given Two Integers have Opposite signs

In the previous article, we have discussed Python Program to Clear nth Bit of a Number

Given two numbers the task is to check whether the given two numbers have opposite signs in Python.




Given First Number =3
Given Second Number = -17


The given two numbers { 3 , -17 } have opposite signs



Given First Number =4
Given Second Number = 9


The given two numbers { 4 , 9 } have same signs

Program to Detect Given Two Integers have Opposite signs in Python

Below are the ways to check whether the given two numbers have opposite signs in Python:

Method #1: Using Xor(^) Operator (Static Input)


  • Create a function isOppositeSign() which takes the given two numbers as arguments and returns true if they have opposite sign else returns false if they have the same sign.
  • Inside the isOppositeSign() function.
  • Apply xor to the first number and second number and store it in a variable say xor_result.
  • Check if the value of xor_result is less than 0 using the if conditional statement.
  • If it is true then return True
  • Else return False.
  • Inside the main code.
  • Give the first number as static input and store it in a variable.
  • Give the second number as static input and store it in another variable.
  • Pass the given two numbers as the arguments to isOppositeSign() function and store the result in a variable signResult.
  • Check if the Value of SignResult using the If conditional statement.
  • If it is true then print the given two numbers have opposite signs.
  • Else print the given two numbers have the same sign.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the implementation:

# Create a function isOppositeSign()
# which takes the given two numbers as arguments and
# returns true if they have opposite sign
# else returns false if they have the same sign.

def isOppositeSign(first_numb, second_numb):
        # Inside the isOppositeSign() function.
        # Apply xor to the first number and second number and
    # store it in a variable say xor_result.
    xor_result = first_numb ^ second_numb
    # Check if the value of xor_result is less than 0
    # using the if conditional statement.
    if(xor_result < 0):
        # If it is true then return True
        return True
    # Else return False.
    return False

# Inside the main code.
# Give the first number as static input and store it in a variable.
firstnumb = 3
# Give the second number as static input and store it in another variable.
secondnumb = -17
# Pass the given two numbers as the arguments to isOppositeSign() function
# and store the result in a variable signResult.
signResult = isOppositeSign(firstnumb, secondnumb)
# Check if the Value of SignResult using the If conditional statement.
        # If it is true then print the given two numbers have opposite signs.
    print('The given two numbers {', firstnumb,
          ',', secondnumb, '} have opposite signs')
# Else print the given two numbers have the same sign.
    print('The given two numbers {', firstnumb,
          ',', secondnumb, '} have same signs')


The given two numbers { 3 , -17 } have opposite signs

Method #2: Using Xor(^) Operator (User Input)


  • Create a function isOppositeSign() which takes the given two numbers as arguments and returns true if they have opposite sign else returns false if they have the same sign.
  • Inside the isOppositeSign() function.
  • Apply xor to the first number and second number and store it in a variable say xor_result.
  • Check if the value of xor_result is less than 0 using the if conditional statement.
  • If it is true then return True
  • Else return False.
  • Inside the main code.
  • Give the first number as user input using the int(input()) function and store it in a variable.
  • Give the second number using the int(input()) function and store it in another variable.
  • Pass the given two numbers as the arguments to isOppositeSign() function and store the result in a variable signResult.
  • Check if the Value of SignResult using the If conditional statement.
  • If it is true then print the given two numbers have opposite signs.
  • Else print the given two numbers have the same sign.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the implementation:

# Create a function isOppositeSign()
# which takes the given two numbers as arguments and
# returns true if they have opposite sign
# else returns false if they have the same sign.

def isOppositeSign(first_numb, second_numb):
        # Inside the isOppositeSign() function.
        # Apply xor to the first number and second number and
    # store it in a variable say xor_result.
    xor_result = first_numb ^ second_numb
    # Check if the value of xor_result is less than 0
    # using the if conditional statement.
    if(xor_result < 0):
        # If it is true then return True
        return True
    # Else return False.
    return False

# Inside the main code.
# Give the first number as user input using the int(input()) function
# and store it in a variable.
firstnumb = int(input('Enter some random number ='))
# Give the second number using the int(input()) function and store it in another variable.
secondnumb = int(input('Enter some random number ='))
# Pass the given two numbers as the arguments to isOppositeSign() function
# and store the result in a variable signResult.
signResult = isOppositeSign(firstnumb, secondnumb)
# Check if the Value of SignResult using the If conditional statement.
        # If it is true then print the given two numbers have opposite signs.
    print('The given two numbers {', firstnumb,
          ',', secondnumb, '} have opposite signs')
# Else print the given two numbers have the same sign.
    print('The given two numbers {', firstnumb,
          ',', secondnumb, '} have same signs')


Enter some random number =4
Enter some random number =9
The given two numbers { 4 , 9 } have same signs

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