Vikram Chiluka

String Formatting in Python

String Formatting in Python

Strings in python:

In Python, a string is a sequence of characters. It is a data type that has been derived. Strings are unchangeable. This means that once they’ve been defined, they can’t be modified. Many Python functions change strings, such as replace(), join(), and split(). They do not, however, alter the original string. They make a copy of a string, alter it, then return it to the caller.

String formatting, as the name implies, refers to the various methods for formatting strings in Python. In this article, we will go over the various methods and how to use them.

String Formatting in Python

There are several ways to format the given string in python some of them are:

Drive into Python Programming Examples and explore more instances related to python concepts so that you can become proficient in generating programs in Python Programming Language.

Method #1: Using % operator

Strings in Python feature a one-of-a-kind built-in operation that may be accessed with the percent operator. This allows for very basic positional formatting. If you’ve ever used a printf-style function in C, you’ll understand how this works right away. Here’s an easy example:

Below is the sample implementation:

# given website
website = "BTechGeeks"
# print the website name using % operator
print('The given website is %s' % website)


The given website is BTechGeeks

In this case, I’m using the % s format specifier to inform Python where to substitute the value of name, which is represented as a string.

Other format specifiers are provided that allow you to control the output format. To generate neatly prepared tables and reports, for example, numerals can be converted to hexadecimal notation or whitespace padding can be included.

In this case, the % x format specifier can be used to transform an int value to a string and express it as a hexadecimal number.

Method #2:Using f-strings

Python 3.6 introduced formatted string literals, also known as “f-strings,” as a new string formatting method. This new string formatting method allows you to employ embedded Python expressions within string constants. Here’s a short example to get a sense of the feature

Below is the sample implementation:

# given age value
age = 20
# multiplying age with 2
doubleAge = age*2
# print using f strings
print(f"The given age is = {age} an double the age is = {doubleAge}")


The given age is = 20 an double the age is = 40

The magic of f-strings is that you can directly embed Python expressions inside them.

As you can see, the expressions are directly embedded into the string. The string is additionally prefixed with the letter “f,” which indicates to Python that it is an f-string and that whatever expression is typed inside { }and is to be evaluated and embedded into the string at that location.

The expression inside the curly brackets does not have to be a single variable; it can be any statement that returns a value. It could be arithmetic, a function call, or a conditional operation.

Method #3:Using format() method

Python’s string .format() function debuted in version 2.6. In many aspects, it is analogous to the string modulo operator, but .format() is far more versatile. The following is the general syntax of a Python .format() is shown below:

<template>.format(<positional_argument(s)>, <keyword_argument(s)>)

It is important to note that this is a technique, not an operator. The method is invoked on template>, which is a string containing replacement fields. The method’s positional arguments> and keyword arguments> indicate values to be inserted into template> in place of the replacement fields. The formatted string that results is the method’s return value.

Replacement fields are contained in curly braces {} in the <template> string. Anything outside of curly brackets is literal text copied directly from the template to the output. If you need to include a literal curly bracket character in the template string, such as or, you can escape it by doubling it:

Below is the implementation:

# given age value
age = 20
# multiplying age with 2
doubleAge = age*2
# print using f strings
print("The given age is {one} and double the age is {sec}".format(
    one=age, sec=doubleAge))


The given age is 20 and double the age is 40

We inserted names within the placeholders in the preceding example, and we defined the value for each placeholder using its name in the format method’s argument list. The second placeholder is even supplied with zero paddings on the left, just like in the previous ways.
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Program to Reverse a String using a Stack Data Structure in C++ and Python

Program to Reverse a String using a Stack Data Structure in C++ and Python


A string data type is used in most computer languages for data values that are made up of ordered sequences of characters, such as “hello world.” A string can include any visible or unseen series of characters, and characters can be repeated. The length of a string is the number of characters in it, and “hello world” has length 11 – made up of 10 letters and 1 space. The maximum length of a string is usually restricted. There is also the concept of an empty string, which includes no characters and has a length of zero.

A string can be both a constant and a variable. If it is a constant, it is commonly expressed as a string of characters surrounded by single or double quotes.


Stacking objects means putting them on top of one another in the English language. This data structure allocates memory in the same manner.

Data structures are essential for organizing storage in computers so that humans can access and edit data efficiently. Stacks were among the first data structures to be defined in computer science. In layman’s terms, a stack is a linear accumulation of items. It is a collection of objects that provides fast last-in, first-out (LIFO) insertion and deletion semantics. It is a modern computer programming and CPU architecture array or list structure of function calls and parameters. Elements in a stack are added or withdrawn from the top of the stack in a “last in, first out” order, similar to a stack of dishes at a restaurant.

Unlike lists or arrays, the objects in the stack do not allow for random access.

Given a string the task is to reverse the given string using stack data structure in C++ and python.




given string ="hellothisisBTechGeeks"


Printing the given string before reversing : hellothisisBTechGeeks
Printing the given string after reversing : skeeGhceTBsisihtolleh



given string ="skyisbluieIFC"


Printing the given string before reversing : skyisbluieIFC
Printing the given string after reversing : CFIeiulbsiyks



given string="cirusfinklestein123"


Printing the given string before reversing : cirusfinklestein123
Printing the given string after reversing : 321nietselknifsuric

Program to Reverse a String using a Stack Data Structure in C++ and Python

Drive into Python Programming Examples and explore more instances related to python concepts so that you can become proficient in generating programs in Python Programming Language.

1)Reversing the string using stack<> function in C++

It is critical to concentrate on the algorithm in order to develop better code. This could be the initial step in selecting a problem; one must consider the optimal algorithm before moving on to the implementation and coding.

The following steps may be useful:

  • Scan the given string or given string as static input
  • The first step would be to start with an empty stack.
  • In C++, we use stack<type>, where type is the data type of the stack (like integer, character, string, etc).
  • Then, using the push function, add the characters from the string one by one to the stack, so that the last character in the string is at the top.
  • Consider a for loop that runs a certain string length number of times.
  • Using the pop() function, pop the character and replace the popped characters in the given string.
  • Print the string

Below is the implementation:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// function which reverses the given string using stack
void revString(string& givenstr)
    // Taking a empty stack of character type
    stack<char> st;

    // Traversing the given string using for loop
    for (char character : givenstr) {
        // adding each element of the given string to stack

    // popping all elements from the stack and
    // replacing the elements of string with the popped
    // element
    for (int i = 0; i < givenstr.length(); i++) {
        // intializing the ith character of string with the
        // top element of the stack
        givenstr[i] =;
        // popping the top element from the stack using
        // pop() function

int main()
    // given string
    string givenstr = "hellothisisBTechGeeks";
    // printing the string before reversing elements
    cout << "Printing the given string before reversing : "
         << givenstr << endl;
    cout << "Printing the given string after reversing : "
         << givenstr << endl;

    return 0;


Printing the given string before reversing : hellothisisBTechGeeks
Printing the given string after reversing : skeeGhceTBsisihtolleh

All the characters present in the string get reversed using the above approach(including space characters).

2)Reversing the string using deque in Python

We use deque to copy all elements from the givenstring(which performs the same operation as a stack in this case)

We use the join method to join all the characters of the given string after reversing.

Below is the implementation:

from collections import deque
# given string
givenstr = "HellothisisBTechGeeks"
# Printing the given string before reversing
print("Printing the given string before reversing : ")
# creating the stack from the given string
st = deque(givenstr)

# pop all characters from the stack and join them back into a string
givenstr = ''.join(st.pop() for _ in range(len(givenstr)))

# Printing the given string after reversing
print("Printing the given string after reversing : ")


Printing the given string before reversing : 
Printing the given string after reversing : 

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Program for Spell Checker in Python

Program for Spell Checker in Python

Spelling errors are widespread, and most individuals are accustomed to software alerting them when they have made a mistake. Spell checking is a crucial function for many different products, from autocorrect on mobile phones to red underlining in text editors.

In 1971, for the DEC PDP-10, the first spell-checking programme was built. It was known as SPELL, and it was only capable of doing simple word comparisons and detecting one or two letter deviations. Spell checkers have evolved along with hardware and software. Modern spell checkers can deal with morphology and improve suggestions using statistics.

Python has a variety of libraries for this purpose, making creating a simple spell checker a 20-minute task.

TextBlob is one of these libraries, which is used for natural language processing and has a simple API to work with.

Program for Spell Checker in Python

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1)Importing Required modules for implementing spell checker

Our spell-checking tool will be made up of two modules:

  • textblob module
  • spellchecker module

Let’s begin by installing and importing each one individually.

You can install the module using the pip package manager if you don’t already have it.

The spellchecker module must be imported before we can develop a spell checker in Python.

C: \Users\Admin > pip install spellchecker

In the same method, you can install the textblob module.

C: \Users\Admin > pip install textblob

2)Checking the spell using textblob module

TextBlob is a python module for processing textual data in the Python programming language. It provides a straightforward API for tackling standard natural language processing tasks including part of speech tagging, noun phrase extraction, sentiment analysis, classification, and translation, among others.

correct() method: The correct() method is the most basic approach to correct input text.

Below is the implementation:

from textblob import TextBlob
# first we tyoe the incorrect spelling text
given_text = "eaars"
print("The original text before spell checking = "+str(a))
correct_text = TextBlob(given_text)
# Getting the correct text and correcting the spelling using correc() functioon
print("The text after correcting given text: "+str(correct_text.correct()))


The original text before spell checking = eaars
The text after correcting given text : ears

3)Using spell checker module

Let’s have a look at how the spellchecker module corrects sentence faults.

Below is the implementation:

# importing  spellchecker library
from spellchecker import SpellChecker

# Make a spell variable and use it as a spellchecker ()
spellcheck = SpellChecker()
'''Construct a while loop. You must establish a variable called a word and make this variable
take real-time inputs from the user within this loop.'''

while True:
    word = input('Enter a word which may be of wrong spelling')
    # converting the word to lower case
    word = word.lower()
'''If the term is in the spellchecker dictionary, it will say "you spelled correctly.
Otherwise, you must choose the best spelling for that term.'''
   if word in spellcheck:
        print("'{}' it is spelled as correct".format(word))
        correctwords = spellcheck.correction(word)
        print("The best spellcorrections of given words'{}' is '{}'".format(word, correctwords))


Enter a word which may be of wrong spelling : eaars
The best spellcorrections of given word eaars is 'ears'


This program will use the spellchecker instance several times. It has a big amount of words stored in it. If you input any incorrect terms that aren’t in the spellchecker dictionary, the spellchecker will correct them. So now you know everything there is to know about this library.


This was a quick overview of how to create your own spell checker using the Python programming language, which is simple to code, learn, and understand with only a few lines of code.
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Python User Input from Keyboard – input() function

Python User Input from Keyboard – input() function

User Input from Keyboard – input() function in Python

Explore more instances related to python concepts from Python Programming Examples Guide and get promoted from beginner to professional programmer level in Python Programming Language.

1)input() function

  • The input() built-in method in Python can read user input from the keyboard.
  • The user’s input is read as a string, which can then be assigned to a variable.
  • We must press the “Enter” button after entering the value from the keyboard. The user’s value is then read by the input() function.
  • The program will pause indefinitely while waiting for user input. There is no way to specify a timeout value.
  • The EOFError is produced and the application is ended if we type EOF (*nix: Ctrl-D, Windows: Ctrl-Z+Return).

2)Syntax of input() function

The input() function has the following syntax:


On the console, the prompt string is printed, and the user is given control to enter the value. Print some helpful information to assist the user in entering the expected value.

3)Getting User Input using input() function

Here’s an example of getting user input and printing it to the console.

Below is the implementation:

value = input("Enter the value ")
print("the value of entered input = ", value)


Enter the value BTechGeeks
the value of entered input = BTechGeeks

4)Getting the type of entered input value

The value given by the user is always transformed to a string before being allocated to a variable. To be sure, let’s use the type() method to determine the type of the input variable.

Below is the implementation:

value = input("Enter the value which is of type string ")
print("the type of entered input value = ", type(value))
value1 = input("Enter the value which is of type integer ")
print("the type of entered input value = ", type(value1))


Enter the value which is of type string BTechGeeks
the type of entered input value = <class 'str'>
Enter the value which is of type integer 356
the type of entered input value = <class 'str'>

5)Getting integer as User input

There is no method to acquire a user input of an integer or any other kind. However, we can convert the entered string to an integer using the built-in functions.

Below is the implementation:

value = input("Enter the value ")
intValue = int(value)
print("the type of entered input value = ", type(intValue))


Enter the value 4312
the type of entered input value = <class 'int'>

6)Getting float as User Input

There is no method to acquire a user input of an float or any other kind. However, we can convert the entered string to an float using the built-in functions.

Below is the implementation:

value = input("Enter the value ")
floatValue = float(value)
print("the type of entered input value = ", type(floatValue))


Enter the value 4561823.198
the type of entered input value = <class 'float'>

In Python, using the input() function to get user input is fairly simple. It’s primarily used to give the user an option of operation and then change the program’s flow accordingly.
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The “in and “not in” operators in Python

The “in” and “not in” operators in Python

In this post, we’ll look over Python membership operators, such as in and not in operators. These operators are used to determine whether or not a given data element is part of a sequence and, in the case of the identity operator, whether or not it is of a specific type.

Python Membership Operators:

These operators aid in validating if a particular element exists in or is a member of the provided data sequence. This data sequence can be a list, string, or tuple.

“in” operator(brief):

It determines whether or not the value is present in the data sequence. It returns a true value if the element is present in the sequence and a false value if it is not present in the sequence.

“not in ” operator (brief) :

This operator examines a sequence for the absence of a value. The out operator is the polar opposite of the in operator. When the element is not found or absent from the sequence, it evaluates to true, and when the element is found in the data sequence, it evaluates to false.

Python “in” and “not in” operators

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1) “in” Operator in Python

In Python, the in operator determines if a given value is a constituent element of a sequence such as a string, array, list, or tuple, among other things.

The statement returns a Boolean result that evaluates to True or False when used in a condition. The statement returns True if the supplied value is found within the sequence. When it isn’t found, though, we get a False.

Let us use an example to gain a better grasp of how the in operator works.

1)Checking if given element is present in list using in operator.

Below is the implementation:

# given list
given_list = ["hello", "this", "is", "BTechGeeks", "Python"]
# given element
element = "BTechGeeks"
# checking if the given element is present in given list or not using in opertor
# it returns true if is present else it returns false
print(element in given_list)




Here it returned true which means the given element BTechGeeks is present in given list.

2)Checking if given element is present in tuple using in operator.

Below is the implementation:

# given tuple
given_tuple = ["hello", "this", "is", "BTechGeeks", "Python"]
# given element
element = "BTechGeeks"
# checking if the given element is present in given tuple or not using in opertor
# it returns true if is present else it returns false
print(element in given_tuple)




Here it returned true which means the given element BTechGeeks is present in given tuple.

3)Checking if given element(string) is present in string using in operator.

Below is the implementation:

# given string
given_string = "hello this is BTechGeeks Python"
# given element
element = "BTechGeeks"
# checking if the given element is present in given string or not using in opertor
# it returns true if is present else it returns false
print(element in given_string)




Here it returned true which means the given element BTechGeeks is present in given string.

2) “not in” Operator in Python

In Python, the not in operator acts in the exact opposite way as the in operator. It likewise tests for the presence of a specified value within a sequence, but the return values are completely different from those of the in operator.

The statement returns False when used in a condition with the supplied value existing inside the sequence. When it is, we get a False, but when it isn’t, we get a True.

Simply replace the in operator with the not in one in the previous example.

Let us use an example to gain a better grasp of how the not  in operator works.

1)Checking if given element is present in list using not in operator.

Below is the implementation:

# given list
given_list = ["hello", "this", "is", "BTechGeeks", "Python"]
# given element
element = "BTechGeeks"
# checking if the given element is present in given list or not using not in opertor
# it returns true if is present else it returns false
print(element not in given_list)




Here it returned False which means the given element BTechGeeks is present in given list.

2)Checking if given element is present in tuple using not in operator.

Below is the implementation:

# given tuple
given_tuple = ["hello", "this", "is", "BTechGeeks", "Python"]
# given element
element = "BTechGeeks"
# checking if the given element is present in given tuple or not using not in opertor
# it returns true if is present else it returns false
print(element not in given_tuple)




Here it returned False which means the given element BTechGeeks is present in given tuple.

3)Checking if given element(string) is present in string using in operator.

Below is the implementation:

# given string
given_string = "hello this is BTechGeeks Python"
# given element
element = "BTechGeeks"
# checking if the given element is present in given string or not using not in opertor
# it returns true if is present else it returns false
print(element not in given_string)




Here it returned False which means the given element BTechGeeks is present in given string.

3)Working of Membership Operators (“in” and “not in” ) in Dictionaries:

We previously explored how the in and not in operators function with various types of sequences. Dictionaries, on the other hand, are not sequences. Dictionaries, on the other hand, are indexed using keys.

So, do the above operators work with dictionaries? If they do, how do they respond accordingly?

Let us provide an example to help us understand.

Below is the implementation:

# given dictionary
dictionary = {"hello": 100,
              "This": 200,
              "BTechGeeks": 300}
# checking using in and not in operators
print(100 in dictionary)
print(100 not in dictionary)

print("BTechGeeks" in dictionary)
print("BTechGeeks" not in dictionary)



First, we created a dictionary dictionary with a certain set of random keys and corresponding random values.

As shown in the result above, “100” in dictionary evaluates to False. In contrast, “BTechGeeks” in dict1 yields True.

As a result, it is evident that the in operator searches for the element among the dictionary keys rather than the values.

As previously stated, the not in operator here also evaluates in the same manner.
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Program to Print Without Newline in Python

Python Program to Print Without Newline

When people convert from C/C++ to Python, they frequently ask how to print two or more variables or instructions without starting a new line. Because the print() method in Python always returns a newline. Python has a predefined format, so if you use print(a variable), it will automatically go to the next line.

Inside the command prompt, the Python print() built-in function is used to print the specified information. Python print’s default behavior is to append a newline character at the end.

You might want to print a value on the screen when programming, but keep it on the same line as the last value you displayed. You might want a user’s first and last name to show on the same line, for example. But, with Python, how can you print without a newline?

In this article, we’ll look at how to print in Python without using a new line.

Python Program to print without Newline

There are several ways to print without Newline in Python some of them are:

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Method #1:Using end in print() statement

From Python 3 onwards, a new parameter called end= has been added to print(). This argument removes the newline that is added by default in print().

This is a newline character by default (\n). As a result, we must modify this to prevent printing a newline at the conclusion.

We want the strings in the Python 3 print without newline example below to print on the same line. Simply add end=”” within print() .

There are numerous possibilities available for this decision. To print space-separated strings, we may use a space.

Below is the implementation:

# printing without newLine
print("hello", end=" ")


hello BTechGeeks

We could alternatively use an empty string to print them consecutively and without a space.

# printing without newLine
print("hello", end="")




Here we can see that it printed the two values without the space

Method #2:Printing the list elements without newline by using end

Consider the following list of items

givenlist= [“hello”, “this”, “is”, “BTechGeeks”, “platform”]

and you want to use a for-loop to print the values within the list So, using for loop and print(), you may display the values within the list by displaying each element of the list in a newline.

Implementation with newline using for loop:

# given list
givenlist = ["hello", "this", "is", "BTechGeeks", "platform"]
# traversing the list using for loop
for item in givenlist:



The list elements are printed one after the other on a new line in the output. What if you want every item in the list to be on the same line? Use the end parameter inside print() to eliminate the new line in Python and print all items from the list on the same line.

Below is the implementation to print list elements in same line(without newline):

# given list
givenlist = ["hello", "this", "is", "BTechGeeks", "platform"]
# traversing the list using for loop
for item in givenlist:
  # using end
    print(item, end=" ")


hello this is BTechGeeks platform

Method #3:Printing the list elements without newline by using *

We can print the list without newline by using * symbol.

Below is the implementation:

# given list
givenlist = ["hello", "this", "is", "BTechGeeks", "platform"]
# printing the list using *


hello this is BTechGeeks platform

Method #4:Using sys module

Another option for printing without a newline in Python is to utilise the built-in module sys.

Here’s a working example of how to use the sys module to output Python strings without newlines.

To interact with the sys module, first use the import keyword to import the sys module. Then, to print your strings, use the sys module’s stdout.write() method.

Below is the implementation:

# importing system module
import sys
sys.stdout.write("hello this is BTechGeeks Platform")
sys.stdout.write("this is BTechGeeks article")


hello this is BTechGeeks Platformthis is BTechGeeks article

Method #5: By Making our own printf() method as C

In Python, we can also write our own printf() function! Yes, we can do this with the functools module, which allows us to create new functions from old ones with functools.partial()

Let’s apply the same logic to end  keyword argument and develop our printf() method

Below is the implementation:

# importing functools
import functools
# creating printf function using partial() function in functools
printf = functools.partial(print, end=" ")
#using printf
printf("hello this is BTechGeeks Platform")
printf("this is BTechGeeks article")


hello this is BTechGeeks Platform this is BTechGeeks article

We can even add a semicolon to this (the Python compiler will not protest) to restore our original C printf() code!
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Increment Operation in Python

Increment Operation in Python

What is the procedure for performing a Python increment operation? You might want to try extending a comparable increment functionality to Python if you’re coming from a language like C++ or Java.

However, as we will see later in this essay, this is not the case. Let’s have a look at how we may use Python’s Increment (++) operation to achieve comparable results.

Increment Operation in Python

Explore more instances related to python concepts from Python Programming Examples Guide and get promoted from beginner to professional programmer level in Python Programming Language.

1)Examples of Increment operation in Python

Before we get into the specific changes, let’s have a look at how you increment a variable in Python.
The code below demonstrates how practically all Python programmers increment integers or related variables.

Implementation Examples:

1)Incrementing number by 1

# given number
number = 19
# increment it by 1
number += 1




We started by taking a number and increasing its value by one, giving us 20 in this case.

2)Incrementing number by 200

# given number
number = 19
# increment it by 200
number += 200




We started by taking a number and increasing its value by 200, giving us 219 in this case.

3)Incrementing string variable by 1

Let us see what will happen if we increment the string variable by 1

# given number
variable = "vicky"
# increment it by 1
variable += 1


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/", line 4, in <module>
    variable += 1
TypeError: must be str, not int


We got that error because we incremented a string variable with an integer.

4)Incrementing string with another string(string concatenation)

In the above case we incremented the string with number let us see what’s the output when we increment the string with string.

# given number
variable = "vicky"
# increment it by another string
variable += "cirus"




Here it concatenated the two strings.

5)Incrementing float value by 1

Let us see what will happen if we increment the float value with  integer(1 in this case)

# given number
variable = 1.4
# increment it by another string
variable +=1




We started by taking a decimal number and increasing its value by 1, giving us 2.4 in this case.

6)Incrementing float value with float

Let us see what will happen if we increment the float value with float value

# given number
variable = 1.5
# increment it by another string
variable +=1.6




We started by taking a decimal number and increasing its value by 1.6, giving us 3.1 in this case.

2)Can we use ++ operator in Python?

Let us check that by implementing it.

Below is the implementation:

# given number
variable = 7
# increment it by another string


 File "/home/", line 4
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

There is, however, an issue. Python does not allow the usage of the ++ “operator” by default. The ++ operator, also known as the increment operator in C++ and Java, does not exist in Python.

3)Why does Python lack a ++ operator?

If you want to learn more about this, you’ll need some foundation in programming language design.

The decision to exclude the ++ operator from Python is a design choice. People in charge of adding new features to the Python language believed that a CPP-style increment operator was unnecessary.

When the Python interpreter parses the a++ symbol from our input, it does it in the following way:

  • Because the binary + operator is the addition operator, a++ will be handled as a, +, and +. However, Python expects a number following the first + operator. As a result, it will generate a syntax error on a++ because the second + is not a number.

Similarly, the pre-increment ++a will be handled as follows:

  • In Python, the unary + operator refers to the identity operator. This simply returns the integer that comes after it. This is why it is an integer identity operation.
  • For example, the value of +7 is simply 7, whereas the value of +-7 is -7. This is a unary operator that only works with real numbers.
  • The ++a is parsed as + and +a, while the second +a is handled as (+a), which is merely a sign.
  • As a result, +(+(a)) evaluates to a.

So, even if we intended to increase the value of a by one, we can’t do so using the ++ symbols because this type of operator doesn’t exist.

To perform this type of increase, we must utilize the += operator.



4)How does += Works/Evaluated

You could think it’s an assignment statement because there’s a = symbol.

This is not, however, a typical assignment statement. An augmented assignment statement is what it’s called.

In a standard assignment statement, the right-hand side is evaluated first, then the left-hand side is assigned.

# 4 + 9 is evaluated to 13, before assigning to number
number = 4 + 9

In this enhanced assignment statement, however, the left side is evaluated first, followed by the right side. This is done so that the modified value can be written in-place to the left side.

# Reads the value of number, before adding 8 to it in-place
number += 8

Without using a reassigning statement like a = a + 1, this is the only way to increase a variable. However, in this case, the choice is irrelevant because the interpreter would optimize the code at runtime.

Program to Calculate the Standard Deviation

Python Program to Calculate the Standard Deviation

Standard Deviation:

In statistics, the standard deviation is a measure of spread. It’s a metric for quantifying the spread or variance of a group of data values. It is quite similar to variance in that it delivers the deviation measure, whereas variance offers the squared value.

A low Standard Deviation value implies that the data are more evenly distributed, whereas a high number suggests that the data in a set are dispersed from their mean average values. The standard deviation has the advantage of being expressed in the same units as the data, unlike the variance.

Given a list of numbers , the task is to calculate the standard deviation of the given list in python.




given list = [34, 14, 7, 13, 26, 22, 12, 19,29, 33, 31, 30, 20, 10, 9, 27, 31, 24]


The given list of numbers : 
34 14 7 13 26 22 12 19 29 33 31 30 20 10 9 27 31 24 
Standard deviation of the given list = 9.008529001520827



given list = [4, 7, 1, 2, 17, 19, 11, 19, 18, 13, 5, 3, 17]


The given list of numbers : 
4 7 1 2 17 19 11 19 18 13 5 3 17 
Standard deviation of the given list = 7.042908781360447



given list = [12, 1, 4, 5, 19, 11, 13, 11, 12, 5, 5, 6, 7, 10, 15, 14]


The given list of numbers : 
12 1 4 5 19 11 13 11 12 5 5 6 7 10 15 14 
Standard deviation of the given list = 4.8425200051213

Python Program to Calculate standard deviation in Python

There are several ways to calculate the standard deviation in python some of them are:

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Method #1:Using stdev() function in statistics package

In Python, the statistics package has a function called stdev() that can be used to determine the standard deviation. The stdev() function estimates standard deviation from a sample of data instead of the complete population.
stdev ( [data-set], xbar )


[data] : An iterable with real-valued numbers as parameters.
xbar (Optional): Uses the data set's actual mean as a value.

Return type:

Returns the real standard deviation of the values supplied as parameters.

Exceptions :

  • For data-sets with fewer than two values supplied as parameters, StatisticsError is thrown.
  • When the value provided as xbar does not match the actual mean of the data-set, the value is impossible/precision-less.

We’ve built a list and applied the standard deviation operation to the data values in the following example:

Below is the implementation:

# importing statistics
import statistics
# given list
given_list = [34, 14, 7, 13, 26, 22, 12, 19,
              29, 33, 31, 30, 20, 10, 9, 27, 31, 24]
# using stdev() fun to calculate standard devaition
standarddevList = statistics.stdev(given_list)
# print the given list and standard deviation
print("The given list of numbers : ")
for i in given_list:
    print(i, end=" ")
# printing new empty line
# printing the standard deviation of the given list of numbers
print("Standard deviation of the given list =", standarddevList)


The given list of numbers : 
34 14 7 13 26 22 12 19 29 33 31 30 20 10 9 27 31 24 
Standard deviation of the given list = 9.008529001520827

Method #2:Using std() function in NumPy module

The NumPy module provides us with a number of functions for dealing with and manipulating numeric data items.

Python’s numpy package includes a function named numpy.std() that computes the standard deviation along the provided axis. This function returns the array items’ standard deviation. The standard deviation is defined as the square root of the average square deviation (calculated from the mean). The standard deviation for the flattened array is calculated by default. The average square deviation is generally calculated using x.sum()/N, where N=len (x).

The standard deviation for a range of values can be calculated using the numpy.std() function, as demonstrated below.

Below is the implementation:

# importing numpy
import numpy as np
# given list
given_list = [34, 14, 7, 13, 26, 22, 12, 19,
              29, 33, 31, 30, 20, 10, 9, 27, 31, 24]
# using std() fun to calculate standard devaition
standarddevList = np.std(given_list)
# print the given list and standard deviation
print("The given list of numbers : ")
for i in given_list:
    print(i, end=" ")
# printing new empty line
# printing the standard deviation of the given list of numbers
print("Standard deviation of the given list =", standarddevList)


The given list of numbers : 
34 14 7 13 26 22 12 19 29 33 31 30 20 10 9 27 31 24 
Standard deviation of the given list = 8.754716541864452

Method #3:Using std() in pandas Module

The Pandas module allows us to work with a bigger number of datasets and gives us with a variety of functions to apply to them.

We may conduct different statistics operations on the data values using the Pandas module, one of which is standard deviation, as shown below

Below is the implementation:

# importing pandas
import pandas as pd
# given list
given_list = [34, 14, 7, 13, 26, 22, 12, 19,
              29, 33, 31, 30, 20, 10, 9, 27, 31, 24]
# converting the given_list to DataFrame
dataList = pd.DataFrame(given_list)
# calculating the  standard devaition using std() function
standarddevList = dataList.std()

# print the given list and standard deviation
print("The given list of numbers : ")
for i in given_list:
    print(i, end=" ")
# printing new empty line
# printing the standard deviation of the given list of numbers
print("Standard deviation of the given list =", standarddevList)


The given list of numbers : 
34 14 7 13 26 22 12 19 29 33 31 30 20 10 9 27 31 24 
Standard deviation of the given list = 0 9.008529
dtype: float64


In this example, we built a list and then used the pandas.dataframe() function to convert the list into a data frame. Using the std() function, we calculated the standard deviation of the values in the data frame.
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How to Perform the Python Division Operation

How to Perform the Python Division Operation?

In general, the data type of an expression is determined by the types of its arguments. This rule applies to the majority of operators: for example, when we add two numbers, the result should be an integer. However, this does not function effectively in the case of division because there are two separate expectations. Sometimes we want division to produce an exact floating point number, but other times we want a rounded-down integer result.

If you tried to split an unequal number of candies equally, you would only have a few remaining candies. Those who remain after division are referred to as remainders.

In this post, we will look at an arithmetic operation called Python Division.






Performing Division Operation in Python

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1)Division Operation

Python includes a number of built-in operators and functions for performing mathematical calculations.

The ‘/’ operator is used to execute division operations on data values of both the float and int data types.

The Python ‘/’ operator has the advantage of being able to handle both decimal and negative values.




Dividing two positive numbers

Below is the implementation:

# given two numbers
# given first number numb1
numb1 = 73
# giveen second number numb2
numb2 = 25
# dividing the given two numbers numb1 and numb2
print(numb1, "/", numb2, "=", numb1/numb2)


73 / 25 = 2.92


Dividing one positive number and one negative number

Below is the implementation:

# given two numbers
# given first number numb1
numb1 = -73
# giveen second number numb2
numb2 = 25
# dividing the given two numbers numb1 and numb2
print(numb1, "/", numb2, "=", numb1/numb2)


-73 / 25 = -2.92


Dividing two negative numbers

Below is the implementation:

# given two numbers
# given first number numb1
numb1 = -73
# giveen second number numb2
numb2 = -25
# dividing the given two numbers numb1 and numb2
print(numb1, "/", numb2, "=", numb1/numb2)


-73 / -25 = 2.92


Dividing one decimal number with the integer

Below is the implementation:

# given two numbers
# given first number numb1
numb1 = 73.153
# giveen second number numb2
numb2 = 25
# dividing the given two numbers numb1 and numb2
print(numb1, "/", numb2, "=", numb1/numb2)


73.153 / 25 = 2.92612


Dividing two decimal numbers

Below is the implementation:

# given two numbers
# given first number numb1
numb1 = 22.5
# giveen second number numb2
numb2 = 4.5
# dividing the given two numbers numb1 and numb2
print(numb1, "/", numb2, "=", numb1/numb2)


22.5 / 4.5 = 5.0

2)Division Operation on Two Tuples


Python Tuple is a type of data structure that is used to store a sequence of immutable Python objects. The tuple is similar to lists in that the value of the items placed in the list can be modified, however the tuple is immutable and its value cannot be changed.

The Python floordiv() method, in conjunction with the map() function, can be used to divide data values contained in a Tuple data structure.

The floordiv() method in Python is used to divide all of the elements of a data structure, i.e. it divides the data structure element by element. Furthermore, the Python map() function applies any passed/provided function or operation on a set of iterables such as tuples, lists, and so on.


tuple(map(floordiv, tuple1, tuple2))

The floordiv() method divides the items using integer division, which returns only the integer portion of the quotient and ignores the decimal portion.

Below is the implementation:

from operator import floordiv

# given two tuples
# given tuple1
tuple1 = (17, 27, 13, 25)
# given tuple2
tuple2 = (7, 4, 2, 6)
# performing division on tuple 1 and tuple 2
division = tuple(map(floordiv, tuple1, tuple2))
# printing the division of tuple 1 and tuple 2
print("printing the division of tuple 1 and tuple 2 : " + str(division))


printing the division of tuple 1 and tuple 2 : (2, 6, 6, 4)

3)Division Operation on two dictionaries

Python division operations can be performed on dictionary components using the Counter() function and the ‘//’ operator.

The Counter() function stores the dictionary key-value data as dict keys and the dict element count as related values.

The ‘//’ operator divides the data elements at the integer level.


{key: dictionary1[key] // dictionary2[key] for key in dictionary1}

Below is the implementation:

# importing collections from Counter
from collections import Counter
# given two dictionaries
dictionary1 = {'hello': 830, 'This': 250, 'BTechGeeks': 64}
dictionary2 = {'hello': 420, 'This': -5, 'BTechGeeks': 4}
# using counter to count frequency of elements in two dictionaries
dictionary1 = Counter(dictionary1)
dictionary2 = Counter(dictionary2)
# dividing two dictionaries based on keys
division = Counter(
    {key: dictionary1[key] // dictionary2[key] for key in dictionary1})
# print the result after dividing two dictionaries
print("Dividing two dictionaries gives =" + str(dict(division)))


Dividing two dictionaries gives ={'hello': 1, 'This': -50, 'BTechGeeks': 16}


In the preceding example, we used the Counter() method to store the key-value pairs of the input dictionary in such a way that the input dictionary now has the key as the dictionary items and the value as the count of items existing in the dict.

In addition, we provided the keys to the ‘//’ operator, who performed the division operation.

4)Difference between “/” and “//” operators

The fundamental and most likely only distinction between the ‘/’ and ‘//’ division operators is that the ‘/’ operator returns float values as the result of division, whereas the ‘//’ operator returns the full quotient ( the integer as well as the decimal part).

The ‘//’ division operator, on the other hand, returns an integer value as a result of division, i.e. only the integer component of the quotient value.

Below is the implementation:





As a result of this article, we now understand how to do division operations in Python and ways to perform division operation in Python language.
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Different Ways to convert seconds into Hours and Minutes

Python program to convert seconds into day, hours, minutes and seconds

In this post, we will look at various Python techniques for converting seconds to hours and minutes.

Date and Time

Python, as a multipurpose language, can be used for a variety of reasons. Python includes a number of packages that help us with data manipulation tasks.

To achieve the same result in timestamp conversion, i.e. conversion of seconds to hours or minutes, numerous strategies might be considered.





converting given time in seconds 30000 = 8 hrs 20 minutes

Different Ways to convert seconds into Hours and Minutes in Python

There are several ways to convert seconds into hours and minutes in python some of them are:

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Method #1: Using mathematical formula

We will write a generic function which converts the given time into hours and minutes

First, we convert the supplied seconds value to the 24 hour format.

timeseconds = timeseconds % (24*3600)

Furthermore, because one hour is equal to 3600 seconds and one minute is equal to 60 seconds, we use the below mathematical logic to convert seconds to hours and minutes.

timehour = timeseconds/3600

timeminutes = timeseconds//60

Below is the implementation:

def convertSec(timeseconds):
    secondValue = timeseconds % (24 * 3600)
    timeHour = secondValue // 3600
    secondValue %= 3600
    timeMinutes = secondValue // 60
    secondValue %= 60
    print("converting given time in seconds",
          timeseconds, "=", timeHour, "hrs", timeMinutes, "minutes")

# given time in seconds
timeseconds = 30000
# passing given time in seconds to convertSec function to convert it to minutes and hours


converting given time in seconds 30000 = 8 hrs 20 minutes

Method #2: Using time module in python

The Python time module includes time. By giving the format codes to the strftime() function, you can display the timestamp as a string in a certain format.

The function time.gmtime() is used to convert the value supplied to it into seconds. Furthermore, the time.strftime() function converts the value supplied from time.gmtime() into hours and minutes using the format codes provided.

Below is the implementation:

import time
givenseconds = 30000
#converting given time in seconds to hours and minutes
temp = time.gmtime(givenseconds)
resultantTime = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", temp)
#printing the given time in seconds to hours and minutes
print("converting given time in seconds", givenseconds,
      "=", resultantTime)


converting given time in seconds 30000 = 08:20:00

Method #3: Using datetime module in Python

The Python datetime module has a number of built-in functions for manipulating dates and times. The date and time. The timedelta() function manipulates and represents data in the correct time format.

Below is the implementation:

import datetime
# given time in seconds
givenSeconds = 30000
#converting given time in seconds to hours and minutes
resultantTime = datetime.timedelta(seconds=givenSeconds)
# printing the given time in seconds to hours and minutes
print("converting given time in seconds", givenSeconds,
      "=", resultantTime)


converting given time in seconds 30000 = 8:20:00

Method #4:Using divmod function

You may get the result quickly with only two mathematical operations by using the divmod() function, which performs a single division to generate both the quotient and the remainder.

This is similar to method 1

Below is the implementation:

# given time in seconds
timeSeconds = 30000
# storing it in another variable
givenSeconds = timeSeconds
# converting it into minutes and seconds
timeMinutes, timeSeconds = divmod(timeSeconds, 60)
# converting it into hours and minutes
timeHour, timeMinutes = divmod(timeMinutes, 60)
# printing the given time in seconds to hours and minutes
print("converting given time in seconds", givenSeconds,
      "=", timeHour, "hrs", timeMinutes, "minutes")


converting given time in seconds 30000 = 8 hrs 20 minutes

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